Best OS for Gaming PC in 2025 [Gamers Choice]
If you are looking for Best OS for Gaming PC then this article is for you. There occurs a thought in the majority of PC users’ minds that is Windows OS that we are using, the best in the market, or are we all just getting sucked in unknowingly into the monopoly of Windows OS that is dominating the Operating System market for a long time.

Today all your questions regarding this matter will be answered, so if you are a PC user and there occurs any question like this in your head while you are working on your PC, then you have come to the right place.
Before getting to the question that which of the OS available to us is good for our day-to-day tasks, the first thing that we need to understand is what exactly is this Operating System and why it matters to us so much. So without further ado, let’s get started.
What is an Operating System?
Right now you are reading this article on some form of device and it can be anything, a phone, tablet, laptop, or a PC. Though all these come in different shapes and sizes, there is one thing that is common among all, i.e. they have an operating system that they work on.
The definition of an Operating System or OS for short is that it is a program that controls the execution of application programs and acts as an interface between the user of a computer and the computer hardware.
The operating system in any hardware is concerned with the allocation of resources and services like memory, processors, devices, and information.
The operating system includes programs to manage these resources, such as a traffic controller, a scheduler, a memory management module, I/O programs, and a file system.
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The OS is essential for running any program on your hardware. The situation relates to everything from typing in a word to playing video games such as Call of Duty is optimized by the OS.
The bottom line is that even if you have the best possible hardware, without proper OS optimization, you won’t be able to do anything on your computer.

Why OS Matters for Gaming?
OS or Operating System matters for Gaming because it has the widest range of games that are optimized according to it but apart from that majority of tasks that are performed on PC are a result of a good OS.
Variety is one of the biggest strengths of PC gaming and this variety of games is executed perfectly with a good OS that can keep up with the task.
4 Best OS for Gaming in 2025
Though there isn’t a wide range of OS that are available in the market but the few available options have kept up with the demand of everyday users.
Everyone out there in the market wants the best performance from their PC or any system that they work on, and for that to happen a really good OS is essential as, without it, this task is not achievable.
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A good OS becomes more important to gamers because of the tool that gaming usually takes on the various systems. There are the 4 Best OS for Gaming in 2025 given below that can help you decide what OS will help you in the long run, if you are a gamer.
Best OS for Gaming |
Windows |
Linux |
macOS |
Ubuntu |

Windows these days doesn’t need an introduction as it has been around for three and a half decades now, which is one of the reasons why it is still the most popular Operating System option these days.
One thing that can be said about Windows is that it is user-friendly, and is compatible with both low-end and high-end machines, with frequent updates, and security patches.
Due to the popularity and huge market share of Windows, most of the software development companies out there including video game developers, make sure they have their games ready for Windows first, before releasing them on any other operating system and that is why the majority of the games today are best optimized for the Windows platform.
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Though afterward, they are gradually updated for macOS or Linux. It is evident from the track record of Windows that it is definitely a contender for the best operating system for gaming, but before making a decision we should also look at some of the other options available to us right now.

Linux holds third place in the OS market, though its position seems a bit dominating, it’s only a fraction when compared to Windows or macOS.
The most important difference between Linux and its two main counterparts Windows and macOS is the fact that it is open-source and completely free.
With Linux, you will find out that at its core, Linux is far more complicated and provides users with much greater freedom for customization.
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But to use those kinds of customizations provided by Linux, the user must have some basic knowledge of the C programming language, as this is how commands are usually executed through Linux.
In the initial days of Linux, game support for it was scarce, but it has since been improved as more and more publishers are releasing games for Linux and the operating system itself is frequently getting updated to improve gaming performance on it.
It has also been seen that in some games, including Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Linux even outperforms Windows 10.

macOS is the second most widely used operating system after Windows. However, unlike Windows, compatibility is the issue here, and macOS is usually not compatible with all devices available in the market.
It is seen that various macOS users have experienced that macOS is only compatible with Apple devices meaning that macOS has been carefully and specifically optimized for Apple hardware only.
Though you will be able to install it on a regular PC, the problem that will arise after this is that it could lead to degrading performance on your PC with results like stuttering, crashes, etc.
When you first start using macOS, you will find that at its core, macOS is a great operating system as it provides a smooth, intuitive, and user-friendly experience but on the contrary, if we talk about gaming, then we can say that the case is different.
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It is usually seen that the majority of AAA title games are not directly developed for Apple before release but instead, developers later port the game from Windows to macOS, and also, once ported, they are rarely updated.
You can also see that in fact, many of today’s games never receive a macOS release, instead, the developers try to stick to Windows for their products so it is difficult to say that this operating system is the best one for gaming.

Talking about Ubuntu is a Linux-based operating system that is designed for computers, smartphones, and network servers. Ubuntu was developed by a UK-based company called Canonical Ltd and all the principles used to develop the Ubuntu software are based on the principles of Open Source software development.
Some of the significant features of Ubuntu are that it has a desktop version that supports all the normal software on Windows such as Firefox, Chrome, VLC, etc.
Ubuntu also has an in-built email software called Thunderbird, which gives the user access to emails such as Exchange, Gmail, Hotmail, etc.
With Ubuntu, you get a host of free applications for users to view and edit photos and there are also applications to manage videos where it also allows users to share videos.
With the smart searching facility on Ubuntu, you can easily find content on it. The best feature is said to be that it is a free operating system and is backed by a huge open-source community.

Windows VS Linux VS macOS
Though all the operating systems are good in their fields the question remains which of these all is the best operating system for gaming?
We see that here Linux seems like a great contender, as it provides the best performance for one of the most popular multiplayer games in the world Counter-Strike Global Offensive.
However, the problem here is that its performance is lacking for a lot of newer DirectX 12 titles. Now coming to macOS, macOS is the second most popular operating system in the market, but its video game library is not so good, and also its in-game performance is average.
Finally, let’s talk about Windows, Windows 10 is the most widely used operating system in the present day, and also the one with the largest library of video games. The best thing that you will observe here is that Windows is supported by most if not all, game developers.
So finally we can say that Windows is the clear winner here, making it the Best OS for gaming. For more such information you can visit our site where we post news and the latest updates on gaming, upcoming games, gaming builds, and much more.