Ultimate Pokemon Masters Ex Tier List [March] 2025
Let us know about Ultimate Pokemon Masters Ex Tier List in this article. As we know, many of you are big fans of the Pokemon game, and it becomes more energetic and powerful when you have a raises critical hit rate and strong sync pairs of Pokemon masters ex in your team. So, let us find out more about these sync pairs and know which pair belongs to which tire list.

Pokemon Masters EX Tier List [March] 2025
The Pokemon Masters Ex Tier List provides a thrilling and dynamic experience for fans and fantastic players sync move countdown as Trainers work with their critical hit rate sync pairs to combat and overcome different obstacles. Discovering and using sync couples’ incredible power to win bouts is where the real excitement lies. So, let us know these sync pairs.
Pokemon Masters Damage Dealer Tier List
Let us know about the Pokemon Masters Damage Dealer List divided by the different sync pairs of tiers and their sync moves.
S+ Tier List
In the Pokemon Masters ex list, Pokemon have extraordinary damage-dealer sync pairs critical hits, and tactical synergies. Like the legendary team, the allied dragon-type sync pair or dragon-type sync pairs of Hilda & Victini Sygna Suit Lusamine, Ash, and Pikachu bring strong Electric skills. At the same time, these are the best-allied sync pairs of Marnie and Moltres that shine with destructive fire assaults. Overall they are considered one of the best-allied sync pair and the strongest among other ally’s HP sync pairs.
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Pokemon Masters Damage Dealer S+ Tier List |
Ash & Pikachu |
Marnie & Moltres |
Serena & Zygarde |
Steven & Deoxys |
Lance & Dragonite |
Lisia & Rapidash |
Lysandre & Volcanion |
Emma & Crobat |
Hilda & Victini |
Lusamine & Necrozma (Sygna Suit) |
Ash & Pikachu: With Ash’s keen sense of strategy and Pikachu’s potent Electric-type techniques, this well-known team dominates Pokemon Masters. The 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt, their Sync Move, stuns enemies and empowers friends.

S Tier List
In Pokemon Masters EX, imposing sync combinations like Lear & Hoopa Sygna Suit Red, Erika & Leafeon Sygna Suit Giovanni, Blue & Aerodactyl, and Red & Charizard (Sygna Suit), Lucas & Dialga Sygna Suit Hilda are examples of S Pokemon Masters Damage Dealer List. These trainers and their formidable Pokemon are the best options for every battle because they excel at delivering devastating attacks, have tremendous damage output, and have unrivaled offensive qualities.
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Pokemon Masters Damage Dealer S Tier List |
Lear & Hoopa |
Blue & Aerodactyl |
Lucas & Dialga |
Emmet & Archeops |
Korrina & Marshadow (Sygna Suit) |
Giovanni & Nidoking (Sygna Suit) |
Red & Charizard (Sygna Suit) |
Raihan & Duraludon |
Sonia & Tsareena |
Ethan & Lugia (Sygna Suit) |
Diantha & Keldeo |
Erika & Leafeon (Sygna Suit) |
Victor & Rillaboom |
Archie & Kyogre |
Iris & Naganadel |
Red & Charizard (Sygna Suit): The legendary combo Red and Mega Charizard (Sygna Suit). Mega Evolution strengthens fire/Flying moves. Unleash historical importance and terrible power. A potent damage-dealing Pokemon Masters EX S-tier.

A Tier List
Pokemon battles feature dynamic duos like Lillie & Lunala, Hilda & Emboar Sygna Suit Cynthia N & Zekrom, Leon & Gmax Charizard, and Cynthia & Mega Garchomp as A Pokemon Masters Damage Dealer List. These fearsome teams are prominent challengers in the Pokemon world thanks to their potent moves and tactical prowess.
Pokemon Masters Damage Dealer A Tier List |
Lillie & Lunala |
N & Zekrom |
Emmet & Escavalier |
Alder & Volcarona |
Leon & Gmax Charizard |
Hilda & Emboar |
Hugh & Bouffalant |
Leon & Eternatus |
Cynthia & Garchomp |
Elesa & Zebstrika |
N & Zoroark |
Hilber & Mightyena |
Player & Solgaleo |
Silver & Ho-Oh |
Cyrus & Palkia |
Gloria & Zacian |
Leon & Charizard |
Hilda & Diancie |
March & Swampert |
Steven & Rayquaza |
Volkner & Electivire |
Player & Solgaleo |
Bea & Sirfetch’d |
Caitlin & Reuniclus |
Lance & Gyarados |
Wally & Gallade |
Cynthia & Kommo-o |
Leno & Calyrex |
Grimsley & Sharpedo |
Guzma & Buzzwole |
Fantina & Mismagius |
Kris & Feraligatr |
Gloria & Inteleon |
Allister & Gengar |
Cynthia & Mega Garchomp: Dragon/Ground-type power of Garchomp paired with strategic acumen of Sinnoh Champion. Thanks to their devastating strikes and quick movements, they are a tough and renowned team.

B Tier List
The B Pokemon Masters Damage Dealer List consists of accomplished trainers and powerful Pokemon allies exhibiting noteworthy damage-dealing passive skills. Strong combat potential March be found in trainers like Gladion with Silvally, Olivia with Lycanroc(Midnight Form), and Nessa with Drednaw.
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Pokemon Masters Damage Dealer B Tier List |
Allister & Gengar |
Gladion & Silvally |
Player & Gyarados |
Olivia & Lycanroc |
Elesa & Zebstrika |
Nessa & Drednaw |
Zinnia & Rayquaza |
Hala & Crabominable |
Brendan & Sceptile |
Giovanni & Mewtwo |
Hilda & Emboar |
Diantha & Gardevoir |
Blue & Pidgeot |
Ethan & Typhlosion |
Sophocles & Golem |
Shauntal & Chandelure |
Hau & Raichu |
Blue & Arcanine |
Barry & Empoleon |
Siebold & Octillery |
Roark & Rampardos |
Zinnia & Salamence |
Burgh & Leavanny |
Morty & Drifblim |
Gloria & Thwackey |
Helena & Haunter |
Clair & Kingdra |
Lusamine & Pheromosa |
Steven & Sandslash |
Elesa & Togetic |
Lyra & Jigglypuff |
Bruno & Machamp |
Allister & Gengar: The eerie Ghost-type Gym Leader Allister teams up with the cunning and strong Pokemon Gengar. Gengar can outsmart opponents and unleash deadly strikes thanks to its Ghost and Poison-type abilities.

C Tier List
The Damage Dealers on the C Pokemon Masters Damage Dealer List are competent but less well-known in Pokemon battles. They consist of Roark & Rampardos, Shauntal & Chandelure, Korrina & Lucario, and more couples. They don’t have the same amount of power as higher-tier Pokemon, but they have special attack qualities and passive skills that can be useful to inventive trainers looking for a competitive edge.
Pokemon Masters Damage Dealer C Tier List |
Korrina & Lucario |
Shauntal & Chandelure |
Roark & Rampardos |
Looker & Croagunk |
Roxie & Scolipede |
Guzma & Golisopod |
Nate & Braviary |
Naomi & Sandslash |
Gardenia & Roserade |
Iris & Haxorus |
Siebold & Clawitzer |
Professor Sycamore & Bulbasaur |
Karen & Umbreon |
March & Wailmer |
Flint & Infernape |
D Tier List
D Pokemon Masters Damage Dealer List is the lower tier of characters, Pokemon, or units in a list. They are typically seen as weaker or less effective than tiers with higher rankings. While they might have certain advantages, they frequently lack adaptability or perform poorly in competitive situations.
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Pokemon Masters Damage Dealer D Tier List |
Palentine’s Elesa & Togetic |
Candice & Froslass |
Marnie & Toxicroak |
Selene & Decidueye |
Brock & Tyranitar |
Tate & Solrock |
Molayne & Dugtrio |
Mina & Granbull |
Hapu & Mudsdale |
Pryce & Dewgong |
Mina & Granbull sync pairs: Mina, the Alolan Trial Captain, and her dependable sidekick Granbull make up this D-Tier Pokemon Masters team. With abilities like Play Rough and Moonblast, the Fairy-type Pokemon Granbull endows the battlefield with charisma and might.

F Tier List
Marshal & Conkeldurr Sygna suits Brock, Jessie & Arbok, Valerie & Sylveon, Norman & Slaking, and Bugsy & Beedrill are on the F Pokemon Masters Damage Dealer List of the new best sync pair in Pokemon Masters. These couples suffer because of their constrained move pools, meager stats, or impeding abilities, which reduces their combat effectiveness compared to other new best sync pairs, other new sync pairs pair, best sync pairs ranked, and higher-tier best sync pairs possibilities.
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Pokemon Masters Damage Dealer F Tier List |
Marshal & Conkeldurr |
Jessie & Arbok |
Valerie & Sylveon |
Norman & Slaking |
Bugsy & Beedrill |
Jessie & Arbok: As a member of Team Rocket, Jessie has a close relationship with her Arbok. However, Arbok’s performance is hampered by its poor base stats and small move pool.

Pokemon Masters Hybrid Tier List
Now, after knowing about the Pokemon Masters Dealer Hybrid Tier list, let us learn more about these pokemon masters hybrid sync pairs.
S+ Tier List
In Pokemon Masters EX, S+ Pokemon Masters Dealer Hybrid Tier list, hybrid sync pairs, or allied sync pairs like Sygna Suit Lyra & Celebi Skyla are the best of the best sync pairs, with remarkable synergy and power. These hybrid, allied, sync pair, or judging sync pairs create unbeatable battle teams by pairing well-known trainers with legendary or mythological Pokemon.
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Pokemon Masters Hybrid S+ Tier List |
Sygna Suit (Thunderbolt) Red & Pikachu |
Sygna Suit Lyra & Celebi |
Diantha & Diancie |
Serena & Greninja |
Hop & Zapdos |
Hau & Tapu Koko |
Cyrus & Darkrai |
Lana & Tapu Lele |
Sygna Suit Kris (Thunderbolt) Red & Pikachu: Iconic Trainer With their electrifying sync move, “Supreme Thunderbolt,” Red and Pikachu make a potent team. Sygna suit thunderbolt red are a strong force on the battlefield thanks to their tactics and quickness.

S Tier List
Elite trainer-Pokemon teams that are S Pokemon Masters Dealer Hybrid Tier list have unmatched power, tactic, and synergy. Each duo has amazing passive skill, enthralling audiences and winning battles, whether it is Cynthia & Giratina’s dimension-bending power or Emma & Crobat’s pinpoint attack accuracy. Trainers worldwide are motivated by their legendary status to strive for greatness by forming unbreakable relationships with their Pokemon.
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Pokemon Masters Hybrid S Tier List |
Emma & Crobat |
Gloria & Urshifu |
Hilber & Genesect |
Marnie & Mawile |
March & Blaziken |
Bede & Hatterene |
Maxie & Groudon |
Raihan & Flygon |
Zinnia & Thievul |
Skyla & Tornadus |
Wally & Gardevoir |
Cynthia & Giratina |
Elesa & Emolga |
Emma and Crobat sync pairs: A deadly team, Crobat and its talented trainer Emma exhibit amazing speed and target accuracy in battle.

A Tier List
A Pokemon Masters Dealer Hybrid Tier list is led by outstanding Pokemon trainers and their formidable allies. Each duo exhibits exceptional synergy, from Lyra & Vaporeon’s smart Water-type proficiency, The Masked Royal & Incineroar, Sygna Suit Leaf & Mega Venusaur, Bianca & Musharna Sygna Suit Hilbert to Pikachu Sygna suit Serena & Whimsicott’s charming Fairy/Grass strikes. The pleasant relationship between N and Reshiram and the unwavering toughness of Gordie and Colossal are notable pairs. These elite pairings inspire trainers all across the world.
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Pokemon Masters Hybrid A Tier List |
Lyra & Vaporeon |
Kris & Jolteon |
Lance & Dragonair |
Bianca & Musharna |
N & Reshiram |
Lucas & Flareon |
Grimsley & Bisharp |
Dawn & Oricorio |
Steven & Deoxys |
Rosa & Shaymin |
March & Latias |
Lysandre & Yveltal |
Marnie & Morpeko |
Whitney & Sawsbuck |
Leaf & Venusaur |
Ghetsis & Kyurem |
Serena & Delphox |
Lucian & Girafarig |
Ingo & Accelgor |
Grimsley & Liepard |
Courtney & Camerupt |
Gordie & Coalossal |
The Masked Royal & Incineroar |
Colress & Klinklang |
Serena & Whimsicott |
Marnie & Grimmsnarl |
Sygna Suit Leaf & Mega Venusaur: A unique variation of Leaf called Sygna Suit Leaf & Mega Venusaur is paired with Mega Venusaur and exhibits momentary Mega Evolution. With maneuvers like Giga Drain and Sleep Powder, it dominates engagements as a Tech sync pair, dominating in endurance and tactical edge. Although susceptible to several types, it is still a powerful force in Pokemon Masters EX.

B Tier List
In Pokemon Masters, B Pokemon Masters Dealer Hybrid Tier list has outstanding synergy and skills. Teams like Karen & Mega Houndoom, N & Sigilyph, Mega Camerupt Sygna Suit N & Kyurem, Steven & Mega Metagross, and Lisia & Altaria are excellent in the same status condition inflicting status effects and disruption. Others bring strong offensive skills, including Professor Oak & Mew, Iris & Hydreigon, and Steven & Metagross. To win tough confrontations, learn to use their special advantages.
Pokemon Masters Hybrid B Tier List |
Lisia & Altaria |
N & Sigilyph |
Volkner & Luxray |
Sygna Suit N & Kyurem |
Karen & Houndoom |
Sydney & ABsol |
Nessa & Eiscue |
Bertha & Hippowdon |
Steven & Metagross |
Iris & Hydreigon |
Agatha & Gengar |
Will & Xatu |
Professor Oak & Mew |
Mallow & Tsareena |
Skyla & Togekiss |
Silver & Feraligatr |
Rosa & Dewott |
Dawn & Torterra |
C Tier List
Pokemon units with intermediate strength and playing restrictions make up the C Pokemon Masters Dealer Hybrid Tier list. Trainers with distinctive tactics include Plumeria & Salazzle and Nanu & Persian, Brawly & Hariyama Sygna Suit Misty, while March & Lopunny combine strength and raises special attack power with beauty. Gym Leaders, Champions, and well-known heroes like Player and Gyarados are all included on this tier lists list, each with their specialties and playstyles.
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Pokemon Masters Hybrid C Tier List |
Plumeria & Salazzle |
Darach & Staraptor |
Misty & Starmie |
March & Lopunny |
Kukui & Lycanroc |
Winona & Pelipper |
Morty & Banette |
Nanu & Persian |
Player & Gyarados |
Brawly & Hariyama |
Whitney & Miltank |
Wikstrom & Aegislash |
Acerola & Mimikyu |
Koga & Crobat |
Serena & Fletchling |
Blaine & Rapidash |
Misty & Vaporeon |
Sophocles & Togedemaru |
Darach & Staraptor sync pairs: Elite Darach & Staraptor Darach, a group of four, partners up with the formidable Flying-type Staraptor. Brave Bird’s aerial prowess and strategic insight make this team unbeatable in pitched conflicts.

D Tier List
Pokemon of the D Pokemon Masters Dealer Hybrid Tier list is viewed as being less effective in competitive matches. They could not be as adaptable as other solutions or be up against fierce competition. Examples include Pokemon with constrained move pools or stats, such as Butterfree, Farfetch’d, and Delibird. Despite their ranks, trainers can nevertheless develop clever uses for these Pokemon masters ex specialized scenarios, or interesting team lineups.
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Pokemon Masters Hybrid D Tier List |
Candice & Abomasnow |
Erika & Vileplume |
Crasher Wake & FLoatzel |
Clemont & Heliolisk |
Kahili & Toucannon |
Brock & Onix |
Lillie & Comfey |
Steven & Cradily |
Marshal & Conkeldurr |
Noland & Pinsir |
Erika & Vileplume: Erika is a sympathetic Grass-type specialist. They master support and control of the battlefield using status maneuvers that drain the strength of enemies while aiding allies.

F Tier List
Due to various flaws and a lack of adaptability, the F Pokemon Masters Dealer Hybrid Tier list has limited competitive potential. These teams, which include Janine & Ariados, Calem & Meowstic, Lt. Surge & Electrode, Wallace & Milotic, Lucy & Seviper, Flannery & Torkoal, Player & Pikachu, Norman & Slaking, Lorelei & Lapras, Grant & Aurorus, and Clay & Seismitoad, have special abilities but struggle against more powerful foes in Pokemon battles.
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Pokemon Masters Hybrid F Tier List |
Janine & Ariados |
Calem & Meowstic |
Lt. Surge & Electrode |
Wallace & Milotic |
Lucy & Seviper |
Flannery & Torkoal |
Player & Pikachu |
Norman & Slaking |
Lorelei & Lapras |
Grant & Aurorus |
Janine and Ariados sync pairs: The shrewd Poison-type expert Janine joins forces with Ariados, using webs and strategies. Although not the strongest, their tactical play makes conflicts difficult.

Pokemon Masters Support Tier List
Like the other sync pairs, the Pokemon masters support tier list support sync buff also plays an important role in winning the battles. So, let us find out who these Pokemon master’s ex are and to which tier list they belong.
S+ Tier List
In Pokemon Masters ex, the S+ Pokemon masters support tier list stands for the peak of support best of best tech sync pairs and couples, dominating battles with high special attack stat and skills and potent synergy. In addition to crowd control, gradual healing, and buffing, these elite units and best-of-tier tech sync pairs and hybrid new dragon-type new sync pairs, like Bede & Articuno, Ingo & Excadrill Sygna Suit Cynthia, Calem & Greninja, and Cynthia & Lucario, Suit Kris & Suicune Sygna Suit brendan offer crucial support to other best of all sync pairs ranked pair and new dragon type tech sync pairs.
Pokemon Masters Support S+ Tier List |
Bede & Articuno |
Anabel & Gmax Snorlax |
Calem & Greninja |
Diantha & Diancie |
Sygna Suit Acerola & Tapu Bulu |
Lana & Tapu Lele |
Cynthia & Lucario |
Morty & Ho-Oh |
Sygna Suit Kris & Suicune |
Sygna Suit Brendan & Latios |
Sygna Suit Mina & Tapu Fini |
Ingo & Excadrill |
Dawn & Cresselia |
Blue (Sygna Suit) & Blastoise |
S Tier List
The S Pokemon masters support tier list sync pairs Support Units offer exceptional alliances and strategic prowess, redefining Pokemon master ex. From Professor Sycamore and Xerneas to Red and Snorlax, Giovanni & Nidoking Sygna Suit Ethan, Sygna Suit Erika & Leafeon Sygna Suit GiovanniDawn & Cresselia Sygna Suit Kris, these teams have remarkable chemistry and have the power to alter the tide of fights thanks to their special skills and unbreakable friendships. To win on the battlefield, trainers from all over the world seek out their powerful presence.
Pokemon Masters Support S Tier List |
Professor Sycamore & Xerneas |
Sonia & Yamper |
Aaron & Vespiquen |
Shauna (Special Costume) & Klefki |
Jasmine & Ampharos |
Pallentine Mallow & Appletun |
Anabel & Snorlax |
Steven (Special Costume) & Stoutland |
Lillie & Polteageist |
Hilbert & Samurott |
Jasmine & Celesteela |
Morty & Ghastly |
Red & Snorlax |
Shauna & Chesnaught |
Allister & Gourgeist |
A Tier List
Pokemon masters ex of the A Pokemon masters support tier list has impressive attack power and versatility, making them valuable additions to any squad. Examples include the status infliction of Agatha & Arbok, the mega healing of Lyra & Phanpy, and the tactical assistance of Giovanni & Persian, Burgh & Togepi Sygna Suit Blue, Sabrina & Mega Alakazam Hop. These adaptable units are key players in competitive engagements because of their prowess at supporting allies and debilitating enemies.
Pokemon Masters Support A Tier List |
Agatha & Arbok |
Lyra (Special Costume) & Phanpy |
Melony & Lapras |
Lyra & Meganium |
Ball Guy & Amoonguss |
Bruno & Onix |
Burgh & Togepi |
Dawn & Alcremie |
Falkner & Swellow |
Kiawe & Marowak |
Giovanni & Persian |
Sabrina & Alkazam |
Player & Mesprit |
Hop & Zamazenta |
Elio & Primarina |
Bugsy & Scyther |
Lorelei & Cloyster |
Bea & Vanilluxe |
Elesa & Rotom |
Player & Cobalion |
Caitlin & Sableye |
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Melony & Lapras sync pairs: The Ice-type gym leader and her Lapras provide icy assistance, upsetting adversaries and guarding teammates. A strong pair with the capacity to mend, maintaining team resilience.

B Tier List
B Pokemon masters support tier list Support Units are less well-known yet crucial combat allies for Pokemon masters ex. They have distinctive strategic skills and provide Trainers’ teams with various assistance alternatives. These Pokemon, from the alluring Ribombee to the potent Landorus, provide essential support, demonstrating that real strength comes from both physical strength and tactical skill.
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Pokemon Masters Support B Tier List |
Sabrina & Chingling |
Glacia & Glaile |
Leaf & Eevee |
Blue & Exeggutor |
Piers & Obstagoon |
Lt. Surge & Raichu |
Cynthia & Gastrodon |
Elesa & Joltik |
Nita & Landorus |
Skyla & Swanna |
Morty & Mismagius |
Phoebe & Dusknoir |
Hilda & Grapploct |
Lillie & Ribombee |
Morty & Gastly |
Steven (Sygna Suit) & Deoxys |
Sabrina & Chingling: Chingling and Sabrina are a psychic team backed by Chingling and has Sabrina’s intriguing aura. Chingling protects allies by disrupting enemies with psychic attacks, laying the groundwork for Sabrina’s special attack and brilliant tactical maneuvers.

C Tier List
In Pokemon Masters EX, C Pokemon Masters support tier list support units provide average battle support. They provide adequate support, from Rosa & Serperior’s crit rate increases to Viola & Masquerain’s bug/flying moves. They aren’t the best, but they help teams out greatly, giving them dependable options for Trainers looking for balanced gameplay.
Pokemon Masters Support C Tier List |
Viola & Masquerain |
Dawn & Wormadam |
Acerola & Banette |
Evelyn & Entei |
Marchlene & Medicham |
Sawyer & Honchkrow |
Lana & Araquanid |
Janine & Crobat |
Marley & Arcanine |
Rosa & Serperior |
Cheryl & Blissey |
Roxanne & Probopass |
Raihan & Gigalith |
Misty (Swimsuit) & Psyduck |
Player & Regirock |
Rosa & Delibird |
Lillie & Clefairy |
Clemont & Magneton |
Player & Torchic |
Jasmine & Steelix |
Viola & Masquerain: Viola is a bug-type trainer and photographer, while Masquerain has two special attack types that allow him to offer his special attack form: offense, support, and flying and bug-type moves.

D Tier List
D Pokemon masters support tier list units are generally less effective in combat, frequently due to their restricted utility or weaker skills. These are not the best support or best support sync pairs, and couples either struggle to offer substantial support or work well with other units. Despite the possibility of specialized applications for support and best support sync pairs, higher-tier alternatives to best support sync pairs, other sync pairs typically outperform them in competitive gameplay.
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Pokemon Masters Support D Tier List |
Liza & Lunatone |
Rachel & Umbreon |
Acerola & Palossand |
Kali (Furisode Girl) & Azumarill |
Cheren & Stoutland |
Erika & Comfey |
Drake & Salamence |
Ramos & Victreebel |
Erika & Comfey: Fairy-type sync duo Erika & Comfey sync pair provides comforting and uplifting options. Comfey’s “Helping Hand” increases damage done to friends, while “Flower Shield” improves defense. Erika’s maneuvers enhance her capacity for mending.

So, this is it for now on the Pokemon Masters Ex Tier List; we hope you enjoyed it and will share it with your friends. For more articles like this, you can keep following omggamer.com.