25 Best Bird Pokemon [Ultimate List] | Bird Pokemon Ranked
If you are looking for the Best Bird Pokemon then this article is for you. Pokemon has been a favorite of gamers and a lot of individuals across the globe for a very long time. Whether it’s the Pokemon cartoon or the Pokemon game, no one wants to miss it at any cost.
25 Best Bird Pokemon [Ultimate List]
Once you start playing the Pokemon game, you will come across a long list of Bird Pokemon Ranked. In this long list, there are some Bird Pokemon that do well in any match they play; however, there are also some Bird Pokemon that might not be able to perform to their true potential in the matches and can be a liability for you.
To get you out of this situation, we have listed below, the Best 25 Bird Pokemon that are full of potential and can easily help you win if used correctly in the game. So without further ado, let’s move on to some of the best bird Pokemon that you will find in the Pokemon universe.
Best Bird Pokemon |
Noivern |
Pelipper |
Hawlucha |
Talonflame |
Altaria |
Salamence |
Corviknight |
Skarmory |
Kantonian Zapdos |
Lugia |
Chatot |
Mandibuzz |
Noctowl |
Dartix |
Ho-oh |
Decidueye |
Rowlet |
Articuno |
Staraptor |
Fletchling |
Spearow |
Pidgeot |
Honchkrow |
Rufflet |
Starly |
In the Pokemon game, Noivern is a speedy bat equipped with various move sets at its disposal. The base stats of Noivern includes one of the highest in speed and intermediary Attack. The Noivern Pokemon evolves from the Noibat Pokemon at level 48.
This Pokemon possesses Frisk or Infiltrator as its offensive ability, and Telepathy as its hidden ability. It is immune to Ground-type Pokemon but appears to be weak against Rock, Dragon, and Fairy Pokemon.

Pelipper is known as a team Pokemon, and its strength comes from the way it manages its team. Its base stats boasts one of the highest in defense and intermediary Attack. The Pelipper Pokemon evolves from the Wingull Pokemon at level 48.
This Pokemon has Keen Eye or Drizzle as its offensive ability and Rain Dish as its hidden ability. Pelipperis immune to Ground-type Pokemon and appear to be weak against Rock-type Pokemon.

Hawlucha is well known for being in the squared circle and is a deceptive bird Pokemon. The base stats of Hawlucha includes one of the highest in speed and lowest in Special Defense. This bird Pokemon did not evolve from any Pokemon and currently, does not have any upcoming evolution.
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The offensive ability of Hwalucha is Limber or Unburden, while its hidden ability is Mold Breaker. This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type Pokemon and appears to be weak against Flying, Electric, Psychic, Ice, and Fairy pokemon.

Talonflame is known for two things in the game; crushing dominance and a high success rate. The base stats of Talonflame include one of the highest in speed and the lowest in special defense. As Fletching advances through its evolutionary stages, it becomes the formidable bird-like creature known as Talonflame.
This transformation begins when Fletchling evolves into Fletchinder at level 17, and it evolves into its final form at level 35. Talonflame possesses the offensive ability Flame Body and the hidden ability Gale Wings.
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Talonflame possesses the offensive ability Flame Body and the hidden ability Gale Wings. Additionally, it is immune to Ground-type Pokemon but is susceptible to attacks from Water and Electric Pokemon. Overall, Talonflame is considered one of the strongest bird Pokemon in existence.

The base stats of Altaria include one of the highest in special defense and the lowest in attack and special attack. The Altaria Pokemon evolves from Swablu at level 35. The offensive ability of this Pokemon is Natural Cure, while the hidden ability is Cloud 9. This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type Pokemon but is susceptible to attacks from Rock, Dragon, and Fairy Pokemon.

The base stats of Salamence include one of the highest in Attack and the lowest in Defense and Special Defense. At level 30, Bagon begins its evolutionary process and transforms into Shelgon. Then, at level 50, Shelgon completes its evolution and becomes the mighty Salamence.
The offensive ability of this Pokemon is intimidating, while the hidden ability is Moxie. This Bird Pokemon is immune to Ground-type Pokemon but appears to be weak against Rock, Dragon, and Fairy Pokemon.

The base stats of Corviknight include one of the highest in defense and the lowest in Special Attack. As Corvisquire progresses through its evolutionary stages, it transforms into Rookidee at level 18, and ultimately into Corviknight at level 38. This evolution sequence illustrates the impressive growth of this Pokemon.
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The offensive ability of this Bird Pokemon is Pressure or Unnerve, while the hidden ability is Mirror Armor. This Pokemon is immune to Poison and Ground-type Pokemon but appears to be weak against Fire and electric Pokemon.

The base stats of Skarmory boasts one of the highest in Defense and the lowest in Special Attack. Skarmory did not evolve from any Pokemon and currently, does not have any upcoming evolution. The offensive ability of this Pokemon is Keen Eye or Sturdy, while its hidden ability is Weak Armor. It is immune to Poison and Ground-type Pokemon but is susceptible to attacks against Fire and electric Pokemon.

Kantonian Zapdos
The base stats of Kantonian Zapdos include one of the highest in special attack and the lowest in defense. Currently, Kantonian Zapdos does not have any upcoming evolutions, nor has it evolved from any Pokemon. The offensive ability of this Pokemon is Pressure, while its hidden ability is Static. It is immune to Ground-type Pokemon and appears to be weak against Ice and rock Pokemon.

The base stats of Lugia include one of the highest in Special Defense and the lowest in the attack. Lugia did not evolve from any Pokemon, and currently, does not have any upcoming evolutions. This bird Pokemon has Pressure as its offensive ability and Multiscale as its hidden ability. Lugia is immune to Ground-type Pokemon and is weak against Rock, Ghost, Ice, Electric, and Dark Pokemon.

Chatot is a tropical bird Pokémon from Generation IV with a musical note design. Unlike most Pokémon, Chatot can learn and use human words if it is around people for a long enough period.
Its distinctive quality makes it an intriguing addition to the Pokémon world and the ideal comrade for a pirate who loves to interact with people. Although speed and special attack are among its greatest characteristics, its combat prowess is not particularly noteworthy.
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Overall, Chatot is more of a talker than a fighter, and its special capacity to pick up on human speech gives the game a fresh perspective. Chatot is not immune to any Pokemon type. However, it is weak against Rock-type, Ice-type, and Electric-type Pokemon. This is because Chatot is a dual-type Normal/Flying Pokemon, which makes it susceptible to these types of attacks.

The first flying Bird Pokemon on this list is Mandibuzz, a Bone Vulture. It is the upgraded version of Vullaby, which was first used in Generation V. Mandibuzz is a robust fighter who can endure powerful blows because of his respectable stats, which are centered on defense and special defense.
However, if not for its less stunning newborn form, its ranking might have been higher. Mandibuzz uses bones to adorn and protect its body, which February help explain why it has a high survival rate. It continues to be a well-liked option among trainers who value a tough fighter because of its intriguing design and special skills. Mandibuzz is a fantastic option for anyone looking for a powerful, adaptable Pokémon with a distinctive appearance.
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Mandibuzz is immune to Ground-type Pokemon due to its ability to “Big Pecks.” However, it is weak against Electric-type Pokemon, as well as Rock-type Pokemon. Mandibuzz is a dual-type Dark/Flying Pokemon, and these types of moves are super effective against it.

When a Hoothoot transforms into a Noctowl, it becomes an invaluable ally for trainers who require assistance navigating through dark, deep forests. Despite having excellent HP and Special Defense, Noctowl February not be the finest fighter, but it excels in other ways. It is a great option for trainers who value insight and intuition because of its intelligent appearance and inherent intelligence.
It’s interesting that the popular Harry Potter series places a specific emphasis on Noctowl’s growth. The main character in one of the books cries, “Hedwig! The first thing he said upon seeing a Noctowl was, “I thought you were dead! This demonstrates the cultural relevance of Noctowl and its capacity to pique the interest of readers and players alike.
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It has a resistance to Ghost-type attacks due to its Normal/Flying typing. Noctowl is weak against Electric, Ice, and Rock-type attacks. These types of attacks are super effective against Noctowl and can deal significant damage.

Dartrix’s design suggests the possibility of strong assaults with a leafy bowtie and a pointy look resembling a quill. It is quite efficient against Water, Ground, and Rock kinds because it is a Grass/Flying type. With a high critical hit rate and devastating damage output in its signature move, Leaf Blade, it is a fearsome foe.
However, it is weak against Ice, Electric, Poison, Rock, and Fire-type moves. These types of attacks are super effective against Dartrix and can deal significant damage
Dartrix is noted for having a prideful and headstrong disposition, which makes training a little challenging. However, given time and consideration, it can develop into a trustworthy and dependable ally in the conflict. Even more strength and adaptability come with its evolution into Decidueye, the Arrow Quill Pokémon, as well as a new Ghost-typing that renders it impervious to Normal and Fighting-type attacks.
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Overall, Dartrix is an important developmental stage for Rowlet, converting it from a young, cuddly Pokémon to a stronger and more capable ally. Its distinctive features and powers make it a fan favorite and a top pick for trainers trying to assemble a diverse team.

In the opening scene of the well-known anime series, the young character Pokémon Gold Ash saw a beautiful flying type bird soaring high in the sky. This served as a lead-up to the arrival of Ho-Oh, the Rainbow Pokémon, a brand-new Pokémon in Generation II of video games. Ho-Oh is admired for making people happy when they see the magnificent seven-colored wings shimmering in the sunlight.
Ho-Oh, a Flying-type Bird Pokemon is an original legendary bird, but because of Lugia’s distinctive appearance, it isn’t as well known as it should be. Ho-Oh, a Fire/Flying-type Pokémon that can help its trainer win battles with the help of its remarkable talents, is unquestionably powerful, nonetheless. It has a resistance to Fighting, Bug, Fire, Grass, and Steel-type Pokemon, but is weak against Electric, Water, and Rock-type Pokemon.

Decidueye is a formidable opponent in battles thanks to its distinctive typing and signature move. It has many defenses thanks to the Grass/Ghost combination, as well as immunity to Fighting- and Normal-type techniques.
It can deliver a lot of damage to its opponents while also surviving their strikes because of its high Attack and Special Defense stats and skills like Leaf Blade, Sucker Punch, and Spirit Shackle. However, it is weak against Flying, Fire, Ghost, Dark, and Ice-type Pokemon.
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Fans enjoy Decidueye’s design because of its archer-like features and hooded cloak, and they think it has a classy and enigmatic appearance. Its association with the well-known Batman persona has further increased its allure.
Decidueye has become increasingly popular among fans due to its formidable combat abilities and appearances in various forms of media, such as the Pokémon anime and trading card games. It’s standing as one of the most recognizable and adored Pokémon in the franchise has been cemented by its popularity.

Rowlet is a renowned Generation VII starter Bird Pokemon adored by players for its distinctive appearance and endearing personality. Rowlet is a versatile member of any trainer’s squad and a Grass Quill Pokémon. It has a broad variety of moves and abilities that make it a crucial tool in combat.
Rowlet is distinguished from other beginning Pokémon by its unique fusion of cuteness and elegance. Rowlet charms and dazzles with its large, expressive eyes, cute bowtie, and graceful motions, enticing both bird lovers and Pokémon fans with its sophisticated air.
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Rowlet’s exceptional Speed and Attack stats give it the upper hand in battle, and its Grass-type techniques make it a potent weapon against Water and Rock-type Pokémon. It becomes much more adaptable in combat later in its evolution because of its capacity to learn flying-type skills. However, it is weak against Fire, Ice, Poison, Flying, and Rock-type attacks
Overall, Rowlet is a great starter Pokémon that combines fashion and utility. Its charming looks, impressive powers, and versatile move sets make it an invaluable tool for any trainer trying to assemble a winning squad.

An iconic representation of the Pokémon universe, Articuno is one of the legendary bird Pokémon with a stunning aesthetic. Since it has been a part of the franchise from the beginning, many fans have a strong attachment to this Pokemon. Many gamers were profoundly affected by its 3D graphics-enhanced appearance in Pokémon Stadium.
The Pokémon Articuno, also called the Freeze Pokémon, is rumored to drop snow when it flies over an area. It is a powerful tanky sweeper in combat, able to withstand even the most powerful strikes thanks to its superior special defense.
Its Pressure skill further increases its toughness by requiring opponents to exhaust their PP before they can deliver substantial damage. It has a resistance to Grass, Ground, Bug, and Fighting-type moves due to its Flying-typing but is weak against Electric, Fire, Rock, and Steel-type Pokemon.

Staraptor, one of the most well-known bird Pokémon in the series, is a fierce foe that can handle even the most difficult difficulties in the game. This Normal/Flying-type Pokémon is renowned as the Predator Pokémon, and with good reason. With close combat and a brave bird among its many powerful attacks, Staraptor February dispatch its adversaries in a flash.
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Moreover, Staraptor can make up for its low defense by lowering the attack stat of its adversaries thanks to its ability, Intimidate.
Staraptor is a single animal in the wild, leaving its brood to explore the globe and take on more powerful foes. Yet when it finds a trainer it likes, it will happily go with that person and remain by its side.
This bird Pokemon has a resistance to Bug-type Pokemon due to its Flying typing, but is weak against Electric, Ice, and Rock-type Pokemon.

The sixth Generation’s Fletchling was the result of Game Freak’s expertise in creating the first-catch Bird Pokemon. This tiny bird Pokémon is a Flying type and is recognized for its diminutive stature and lovely appearance. It is in fact so diminutive that it is frequently referred to as the “Smol Pokémon.”
Fletchling is a vital addition to any trainer’s squad because it is a fierce opponent in battle and has a variety of special skills. Fletchling can be observed chirping and interacting with other Pokémon in the trees of the Kalos area, displaying its lovable and endearing character.
For devotees of the Pokémon franchise, Fletchling is the product of Game Freak’s years of experience creating the recognizable bird Pokémon. It has resistance to Bug-type Pokemon due to its Flying typinp but is weak against Electric, Ice, and Rock-type Pokemon.

Although Spearow is one of the original flying-type Pokémon, it is not very well-liked by players. In reality, aside from its placement in the initial roster, we have never met anyone who likes Spearow in all the years of discussing Pokémon with friends and internet acquaintances.
In the first episode of the Pokémon anime, a group of Spearow repeatedly pecked at Ash and Pikachu until Pikachu finally unleashed a Thundershock to drive them away. As a result, Spearow earned a considerable reputation. Spearow is not a popular or well-liked Pokémon among fans, despite its dramatic portrayal. It adds nothing to the franchise and is a forgettable addition due to its lack of intelligence and uninspiring design.
Despite this, it has a resistance to Bug-type moves due to its Flying-typing. However, it is weak against Electric, Ice, and Rock-type Pokemon. These types of moves are super effective against Spearow and can deal significant damage.

The first bird Pokémon, Pidgeot, is a popular figure in the Pokémon world. Due to its subpar numbers, it has never been a top-tier combatant despite its widespread use. Fortunately, Pidgeot underwent a Mega Evolution in later generations, which gave it new skills and increased stats, greatly enhancing its capacity to fight.
Despite its shortcomings, Pidgeot is a cult favorite due to its classic look and endearing nature. Its inclusion in numerous video games, anime series, and other media ensures that it will continue to be a beloved character in the Pokémon series for many years to come.
Its significance in the Pokémon universe as one of the original Bird Pokemon and its presence in the well-known mobile game, Pokémon Go, have helped introduce the character to a new generation of fans. Overall, Pidgeot’s continued popularity is proof of the value of personality and character design for building adored video game characters. Also, it has a resistance to Bug-type Pokemon due to its Flying-typing but is weak against Electric, Ice, and Rock-type Pokemon.

The Big Boss Pokémon, Honchkrow, is a formidable and well-known character in the realm of Pokémon crime. It is an effective ally in combat with its super-luck ability, strong attack, and special attack. However, in the wild, the Honchkrow rarely engages in combat by itself; instead, it relies on its devoted ally, the Murkrow, to carry out its orders.
Honchkrow is the Murkrow gang’s leader and has achieved that position because it is a sharp and cunning strategist with a gift for controlling its followers. Honchkrow is still a well-liked and sought-after Pokémon among trainers who admire its power and cunning traits despite its dubious reputation.
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It has a resistance to Grass, Ground, Bug, and Fighting-type Bird Pokemon due to its Dark/Flying typing, but appears to be weak against Electric, Ice, Rock, and Fairy-type Pokemon.

Rufflet from Generation V might be a better option for people who want their bird Pokémon to seem more conventional. Although the Eaglet Pokémon is renowned for its bravery and willingness to face up against opponents several times its size, Rufflet’s bravery often leads to careless actions that put it in danger.
Rufflet, despite its diminutive size, has a special and unusual appearance that suggests its magnificence. Its striking array of colors and pointed talons make it a fearsome foe in combat, and its high Attack and Speed stats only serve to enhance its appeal.
Overall, Rufflet is a brave and independent Bird Pokemon with the potential to be a formidable ally for any trainer. It has a resistance to Bug-type Pokemon due to its Flying-typing but is susceptible to attacks from Electric, Ice, and Rock-type Pokemon.

Starly, one of the first bird Pokémon trainers in the Sinnoh region encountered from Generation IV, swiftly won over fans with its adorable appearance and powerful fighting skills. With its delicate, fluffy feathers and kind disposition, this Normal/Flying-type bird is modeled after actual doves.
In battle, Starly is anything but a pushover. It obtains more amazing stats and potent attacks as it develops into Staravia and finally, Staraptor, making it a force to be reckoned with in combat against even the most difficult foes. Having a Bird Pokemon on your squad is crucial for many trainers, and Starly is frequently the first option owing to its accessibility and adaptability.

In terms of strengths, Starly is resistant to Bug-type Pokemon due to its Flying typing. However, it is weak against Electric, Ice, and Rock-type Pokemon. So, here are the Best Bird Pokemon that you will come across in the Pokemon game. If you have any queries about the Pokemon mentioned in the article, you can leave a comment in the comment box. For similar information, you can visit our site, omggamer.com where we post news and the latest updates on gaming.