Top 10 Destiny 2 Best Black Armory Weapons in 2025
We have rounded up the Best Destiny 2 Black Armory Weapons that can be acquired through direct activities, such as exotic quests and weapon bounties.

Our Best Black Armory Weapons guide has covered the top 10 Black Armory Forge weapons in Destiny 2. We have also covered what is a Black Armory weapon and why should you use it.
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Black Armory Forge weapons are earned by completing the Forge bounties given by Ada-1, the Black Armory smith found in the Tower. Complete Ada’s daily and weekly bounties to receive materials to spend on weapon-specific bounties.

What is Black Armory Weapons | Forge Weapons?
The Black Armory is a secret weapon forge established during the late Golden Age in Destiny and the weapons found in it are called Black Armory Weapons.
Its sole surviving member, Ada-1, personally maintains the central vault within the walls of the Last City. The Black Armory weapons designed and created are of the highest quality.

The Black Armory was established by three families – the House of Meyrin, the Rasmussen Clan, and the Satou Tribe, each carrying elements of their native ancestry to the Armory’s idea and designs. The heads of each respective family at the time were Yuki Satou, Helga Rasmussen, and Henriette Meyrin, the mother of Ada-1.
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Why Use Black Armory Weapons?
Why should you use Black Armory weapons? Simply because they are strong in both PVE and PVP content. Forge weapons such as Feeding Frenzy/Rampage are curated and marvelous for all game modes.
The exotics are solid, Jotunn in particular, and the Le Monarque has a niche for some PVP players while also being good for Hush Quest.

The Black Forge weapons are worth trying to ace any PVE and PVP content or quest in Destiny 2. Down below we have listed the top 10 Black Armory weapons do check them out.
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How to quickly farm Destiny 2 Forge weapons?
Here is the best way to farm multiple weapon frames from Ada-1 each week.
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Top 10 Destiny 2 Black Armory Weapons
Here are the top 10 Black Armory weapons according to us. All these weapons were introduced in Season 5 Season of the Forge: Black Armory and crafted in a Black Armory forge.
Izanagi’s Burden (Sniper Rifle)
Izanagi’s Burden is an Exotic Sniper Rifle in Destiny 2. It can be obtained by completing the Mysterious Box Exotic quest assigned by Ada-1. The curated rolls include Honed Edge to use the magazine and load a more powerful round.
It has a Chambered Compensator for stable barrel attachment which increases stability, improves recoil direction, and slightly decreases handling speed.

Jötunn (Fusion Rifle)
Does Jotunn count as a black armory weapon? Well, yes it is counting on the list. Jötunn is an Exotic Fusion Rifle in Destiny 2. It is untamed, destructive, and as forceful as Ymir himself.
It can be obtained by completing the A Giant’s Might quest. The curated rolls include Shield Disorient, Polymer Grip, and Charge Shot to hold down the trigger to charge up a tracking shot that explodes and burns on impact.

Galliard 42 XN7568 (Auto Rifle)
Galliard 42 XN7568 is a Legendary Energy Auto Rifle in Destiny 2. It is a Black Armory experimental prototype. One of its random perks is that it cannot be obtained again from Collections.
It is an Adaptive Frame, so it has acquired a well-rounded grip, it is reliable and sturdy. Kills with this auto rifle temporarily allow increased damage.

Hammerhead (Machine Gun)
Hammerhead is a Legendary Machine Gun in Destiny 2. It is made to smash through the veil. It is an Adaptive Frame, so it has acquired a well-rounded grip, it is reliable and sturdy.
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The curated roll comes with Feeding Frenzy so each rapid kill with this machine gun progressively enhances reload speed for a short time. Kills with this machine gun temporarily allow increased damage.

Blast Furnace (Pulse Rifle)
Blast Furnace is a Legendary Kinetic Pulse Rifle in Destiny 2. It is forged in the hottest fires. The curated roll comes with an Aggressive Burst for hard-hitting four-burst fire, Outlaw where precision kills considerably decrease reload time, and Headseeker where body shots landed with this pulse rifle increase precision damage for a little while.

Stryker’s Sure-hand (Sword)
Stryker’s Sure-hand is a Legendary Power Sword in Destiny 2. It has no job and is too big. It is an Adaptive Frame with a well-rounded uppercut.
The curated roll comes with a Balanced Sword Guard for balanced overall defenses, Assassin’s Blade where sword kills boost movement speed and damage, and Surrounded where this sword earns bonus damage when three or more enemies are in close proximity.

Kindled Orchid (Hand Cannon)
Kindled Orchid is a Legendary Hand Cannon in Destiny 2. It makes you find the beauty in the flame. It is an Adaptive Frame, so it has acquired a well-rounded grip, it is reliable and sturdy.
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The curated roll comes with Drop Mag for greatly increasing reload speed, Kill Clip where reloading after a kill grants increased damage, and Rampage where kills with this hand cannon temporarily allow increased damage.

Dead Man Walking XX7463 (Sidearm)
Dead Man Walking XX7463 is a Legendary Sidearm in Destiny 2. It is a Black Armory experimental prototype. It has a low impact but a high rate of fire and reloading, making it a great backup weapon.
It can be disassembled to make Glimmer, Gunsmith Materials, and Legendary Shards. The curated roll includes SUROS Rapid-Fire which is full auto with deeper ammo reserves, and a slightly faster reload when the magazine is empty.

Baligant XU7743 (Shotgun)
Baligant XU7743 is a Legendary Kinetic Shotgun in Destiny 2. It is a Black Armory experimental prototype. It can be disassembled to make Glimmer, Gunsmith Materials, and Legendary Shards. It is an Aggressive Frame with high damage and high recoil. It deals with kinetic damage and uses special ammo.

Hoosegow XE5837 (Rocket Launcher)
Hoosegow XE5837 is a Legendary Rocket Launcher in Destiny 2. It is a Black Armory experimental prototype. It is an Adaptive Frame, so it has acquired a well-rounded grip, it is reliable and sturdy.
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The curated roll includes Snapshot Sights for faster time to aim down sights, Black Powder where this rocket launcher’s explosives are more effective, and Alloy Casing which reduces weight for faster reloads.
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That’s it for our Top 10 Destiny 2 Best Black Armory Weapons guide. These are our top 10 picks for the Destiny 2 Black Armory weapons. Izanagi’s Burden, Hammerhead, and Galliard 42 are definitely the ones to reach out for. If you disagree with any of the rankings above, feel free to share your thoughts.
What do you think of the Destiny 2 Black Armory weapons? Which weapons do you have earned already? Let us know in the comments section below.