Star Citizen Roadmap, Wiki & Updates [2025]
Star Citizen Roadmap, Wiki & Updates: Star Citizen is an upcoming space trading and combat simulator game for the PC. The game started to develop in 2011 and was released in 2013. While its release was first anticipated in 2014, an important expansion of gameplay highlights and scope has led to renewed delays. The latest of these modules, known as the “Persistent Universe”, was released in 2015 and continues to receive updates.
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Star Citizen Roadmap
According to the Star Citizen Roadmap released on 17th March by Robert Space Industries. It includes the following:
Support for Server Meshing development has been highlighted as a high priority. In conclusion, Server Meshing support work was prioritized and programmed for Q2, attending to Server Client Actor Networking.

Death Animation Improvements
The Body Dragging will maintain its intended release in Alpha 4.0, Death Animation Improvements will move back one quarter to Alpha 4.1.
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- PVP Bounties
The team awaits to add extra Bounty Hunter-themed cards in the future as front-facing features release dates are determined.
- Crusader & Orison Landing Zone
The team says Crusader and its landing zone Orison, back to the end of the year as the team needed more time to build these locations. The reasons for this move are:
- The re-prioritization with specializing in GrimHex and other environmental adds progress.
- The additional time it took to complete New Babbage.
- Delays from transitioning to a replacement work-from-home environment thanks to the present COVID-19 pandemic. As Alpha 4.2 isn’t yet visible on the roadmap, they’re going to be removing these cards for the nonce, but we expect them to resurface for the 4th quarter within the near future.
The following cards have moved to adjust with the Crusader & Orison Landing Zone moves that is:
- Mission Giver: Lisa Gibbs
- Mission Giver: Devin Bautista
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The following cards are added to the PU Roadmap under the Alpha 4.0 column:
- New Babbage – Shop Additions | Introducing a novelty Kiosk in the New Babbage spaceport center that will sell relics and knick-knacks. Also arriving at the spaceport is The Factory Line, a flagship store for MicroTech, which sells their top-of-the-line products, such as mobiGlas and sim pods.
- Elevator Panel Updates – The functional elevator boards are being updated to use interactable screens, as previously this was done through player personal thought.
- Heightmap Improvements – Updates are being made to all or any of the heightmaps used on planets and moons to effectively cash in on their higher resolution. This will mean more detail is often used during the painting process.
- Cutlass Blue – The construction, coordination, and implementation of the reworked police/militia patrol variant of the Drake Cutlass into the game.
Star Citizen Updates
Star Citizen 3.9 Update
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Please evade Microtech for now. Spawning logic is currently not working perfectly and as such logging out at locations that should continue the player, including the bed, is tentatively not working. Communicating with the Vanguard series ship causes a wreck. Please do not use these ships. The Pisces spawns without its steering gear reduced. Patrol mission goals do not update after the player arrives in the patrol area. Products can not be bought at outposts.
Unfriendly turrets will not shoot at the player. Purchasing Kiosks are blank at all rest stops. Reststop stores have no retail display items. Melee takedowns are not recorded as kills vs AI targets. If a player has their ship despawned from the steering pad by ATC and recovers another, they will be no longer able to retrieve the real ship.

There is a huge impact including the screen when mining a ship’s deposit. The recovery ship data recorder’s mission does not renew arrival. Body and temperature factors appear on the HUD, but won’t be a part of the 3.8 release.
Replacement details March seem on planetary surfaces. Players can spawn with blood loss that can’t be treated and get abandoned in a death loop. There is no logout prompt for a few 890 Jump beds.
Ships can find themselves oriented sideways when quantum linking. New Features Locations Added MicroTech Planet including the outside of the Latest Babbage Landing Zone. Note, that the inside of the Latest Babbage isn’t completed and is unavailable.
Added new Rest Stop interior modifications. Players now have the capacity to select their primary spawn spot when it is their first time logging into the game. GrimHex truce has been updated to allow non-lethal Melee Combat.
Star Citizen 4.0 Update
Star Citizen Alpha 4.0.0 is an upcoming Star Citizen update planned to be released around March 2020. As per the Star Citizen Roadmap, the content within the update is subject to vary. The characters will include:
- Mission Givers
- Lisa Gibbs & Devin Bautista
- Locations
- Crusader
- Orison Shipyards (Landing Zone)
AI ships have the proper functionality and behavior to navigate and fight in the atmosphere by taking into account concepts like lift, drag, or energy potential. Ships will accurately navigate terrain layouts and objects on planets as well. The AI will not only use a variety of weapons to build various combat conditions but will have different ways to engage the player, whether in groups or alone.
Improvements and Polishing
This polishing pass carries ultimate work on behaviors, balancing as well and bug fixing. The aim is to enhance the look and feel of flight combat for the release.
In addition, the ability for the player to traverse surfaces in zero-g by pushing and pulling with their hands. This will come into play when the player is wearing an EVA suit without thrusters, or if thrusters are turned off.
Ship-to-Station Docking
In addition, the capability to dock and spawn transports attached to space stations. This functionality is needed for some of the bigger ships to spawn at specific locations.
That’s all for Star Citizen Roadmap, Wiki & Updates. Tell us which is your favorite character in Star Citizen. Are you excited about the new updates? Did we miss out on something on Star Citizen Roadmap? Let us know in the comments below.