Destiny 2 Prodigal Return Grenade PvP, PvE God Roll & Perks
Last Season of Defiance, the Seasonal weapons had strong ones that were excellent for PvP and PvE. There is the Regnant, the Raconteur, and Perpetualis. They are viable weapons and will synergize well with the build requiring perks and elements. The Destiny 2 Prodigal Return is also one of these weapons. If you want to know where to get it, its perks, requirements, GOD roll, and how it fairs in the current meta, don’t worry; we will give you a brief breakdown of the weapon.

About Destiny 2 Prodigal Return
The Destiny 2 Prodigal Return is a Legendary Grenade Launcher with a Lightweight frame. It is also an Arc weapon perfect for Arc subclasses. In addition, it is a seasonal weapon that can be obtained through doing seasonal activities.
However, it is not similar to the Regnant, a drum-type Grenade Launcher; the Prodigal Return is a single-round breach-loaded one. Plus, the Prodigal Return uses Special ammo instead of Heavy, so keep that in mind.

Prodigal Return Requirements
There are no requirements for using the Destiny 2 Prodigal Return. However, you must get the Lightfall DLC if you want this weapon. It is a seasonal weapon during the Season of Defiance, and the only way to get it is by completing seasonal activities that can only be accessed if you purchase the Lightfall DLC. This is also true for other Defiance weapons, so you will need the DLC if you want any of them.

How to Get Destiny 2 Prodigal Return
As mentioned, the Destiny 2 Prodigal Return is a seasonal weapon during the Season of Defiance. You need to do seasonal activities to get it. Fortunately, the activities will stay until the next DLC of Destiny 2 comes out.
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This means you can still get the Prodigal Return in the season, Season of Deep. You just need to complete Defiant Battlegrounds and hope you will get the Prodigal Return. Also, the weapon is craftable as long as you have obtained five Deepsight variants.

Prodigal Return Perks
The Destiny 2 Prodigal Return has a powerful perk pool that is fantastic in PvE but can only be decent in PvP. It has access to Voltshot, making it one of the best weapons for Arc builds.
Another strong perk is the Demolitionist, which is great for Arc builds and other ones that mostly use the grenade ability. These perks make the Prodigal Return an excellent weapon for disrupting enemies and a fun one to use in PvP.

Prodigal Return Drop Rate
The Prodigal Return has a low drop rate, as you can only get it by opening the Defiant chest after completing a Defiant Battleground. In addition, you can only carry 5 Defiant Keys at a time and even these keys have a low drop rate.
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You can get Defiant Keys by doing Lightfall campaign missions, Crucible, Gambit, and other playlist activities. If you do have Defiant Keys, you still need to pray that you will get the Prodigal Return, as there are other Defiant weapons and armor pieces you might get.

Prodigal Return GOD Roll
Getting the weapon can be hard, but getting a Prodigal Return with a GOD Roll is even more challenging. That is why it is essential to get five Deepsight variants of the weapon to make it craftable, allowing you to quickly get a GOD Roll as long as you have enough materials.
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For the PvE GOD Roll of the weapon, you can use it to synergize with a grenade-focus build or an Arc class character. PvP, on the other hand, the Destiny 2 Prodigal Return is used as a quick swap weapon.

Prodigal Return PvP GOD Roll
Here is the Prodigal Return’s PvP GOD Roll.
- Barrel: Quick Launch
- Magazine: Proximity Grenades
- Perk 1: Shot Swap
- Perk 2: Harmony or Danger Zone
As mentioned, the Prodigal Return’s PvP GOD Roll turns it into a quick swap weapon where you can either swap into this weapon to get a kill or vice versa. The barrel is Quick Launch to increase the weapon’s handling and projectile speed, making it easy to shoot the weapon after swapping.
Next is Proximity Grenades for the magazine to decrease its blast radius, but it makes it easier to land hits consistently. The following perk 1 is Shot Swap will allow you to swap and stow the Prodigal Return with Final Blow builds and stow charges. Lastly, perk 2 can be Harmony or Danger Zone.
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Harmony increases the Prodigal Return’s damage and handling if you perform a Final Blow with another weapon making it the perfect perk for quick-swapping. However, if you are not that accurate, you can opt for the Danger Zone; this perk will increase the weapon’s blast radius if you are surrounded by combatants and will also decrease the amount of damage you can get from your weapon so you won’t die easily from its blast radius.

Prodigal Return PvE GOD Roll
Here is the Prodigal Return’s PvE GOD Roll.
- Barrel: Quick Launch
- Magazine: Spike Grenades or Disorienting Grenades
- Perk 1: Envious Assassin
- Perk 2: Demolitionist or Voltshot
For the PvE GOD Roll of Destiny 2 Prodigal Return, you can get Demolitionist or Voltshot, depending on your build. If you have a grenade-focus build, Demolitionist is the best choice, as it will allow you to generate grenade energy faster. Voltshot is excellent for the Arc class as it will overcharge the weapon when you reload after defeating a target and cause a jolt on the next hit.
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Barrel is Quick Launch for an increase in handling and projectile speed. The magazine can be Spike or Disorienting Grenades; the former increases stability while the latter, as the name implies, disorients enemies and will cause them to not shoot you or your allies for a short period.
Due to the lack of Auto-Loading Holster, the next best perk is Envious Assassin. This perk will automatically overflow the Prodigal Returns magazine from your reserves by eliminating enemies using another weapon.

Is Prodigal Return a Grenade Launcher?
Yes, Prodigal Return is a Grenade Launcher. It does, however, look different from the drum-type one. It is a breech-loaded single-round Grenade Launcher that can be an Energy or Kinetic weapon.
However, it is not one of the most used single-round ones as it has a Lightweight frame compared to the Wave frame, which is more popular and powerful. The Destiny 2 Prodigal Return is a good Grenade Launcher for PvE and an enjoyable PvP weapon. However, the Forbearance is a better alternative if you want an Arc Grenade Launcher.

Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ 1: How many times Prodigal Return can be farmed?
Answer: You can farm the Prodigal Return as many times as you want as long as you have the Lightfall DLC and a Defiant Key to open Defiant chests. However, keep in mind that you can only carry five of these keys at a time, and they also have a low drop rate.
FAQ 2: How hard is it to get Prodigal Return?
Answer: It is hard to get the Prodigal Return. You can get it by opening Defiant Chests using a Defiant Key. However, these keys are also hard to find, and you can only carry five at once. On top of that, there are other Defiant weapons and armor pieces that you can also get from opening Defiant chests.
FAQ 3: How do you increase Prodigal Return drop rate?
Answer: You can increase Prodigal Return’s drop rate by making it craftable. You can do this by getting five Deepsight variants of the weapon. In addition, if you have Defiant Engrams, you can focus them on the War table to get the weapon. Defiant Engrams can be obtained from chests and activities.
That is all for our article on the Legendary Arc Grenade Launcher, Destiny 2 Prodigal Return. We hope we answered some of your questions about the weapon’s perks, requirements, where to get it, and many more. The Prodigal Return is one of the Seasonal weapons of Season of Defiance. Fortunately, you can still get them in the current season, Season of Deep, as Bungie did not remove the previous season’s content. Keep visiting for more updates on Destiny 2 weapons.