Best 30 Cat Pokemon List in 2025 [Grey, Black, Purple, Blue]

This article is about our favorite role-playing series of video games Pokemon and the best 30 cat Pokemon. It is available for platforms including Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, and Nintendo Switch.
cat-pokemon-listIn the game, players can choose a Pokémon type starting from Grass-type, Fire-type, or Water-type Pokémon indigenous to that particular region.
What is Cat Pokemon?
Pokemon is basically a pocket monster and in the game or movie, there was a fight between Pokemon. There different types of Pokemon and one of them is Cat Pokemon. The Pokemon which looks like a cat is known as cat Pokemon. Meowth is on the famous cat Pokemon.
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At the beginning of the game’s adventure players can choose one of three different Pokemon, these three are often labeled as “starter Pokémon“. The Player’s rival always chooses the type that has a type advantage over the player’s chosen Pokémon as their starter Pokemon.
In Pokemon, all Pokemon are inspired by some form of an animal, mythical beast, or object in the real world. They can be as obvious as Hydreigon being a dragon. But you came here for cats, didn’t you!? Here are all of the cat Pokemon.
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Best Cat Pokemon
The makers of Pokemon have been introducing new Pokémons for a while. A few new feline Pokémons have also been added to the game.
Cats are not liked as much as dogs but this Best Cat Pokemon March change this statement. Because among all other cats, this cat has won our hearts in terms of its extraordinary attributes and skills.
Meowth: The Best Cat Pokemon
Meowth is a Normal-type Pokémon species and the Best Cat Pokemon. Yes, it is him! He is the only one of his kind that can speak English. Meowth has many similar features to cats typically like four whiskers, big eyes and ears, paws, and retractable claws.

He can walk upright on two feet or on all four. Like regular cats, he is playful, cute, and smart. Meowth is such an iconic Pokémon that it is the only species to be given two regional forms, Galarian and Alolan.
Best 30 Cat Pokemon List
There are 809 unique Pokémon across 8 generations as of now, each with its own skills and attributes. Of these, many are inspired by our feline friends in the real world. If you are curious about which Pokémon are cats in the Pokémon World, here is a cat Pokemon list for clarity:

Cat Pokemon List |
Meowth |
Persian |
Alolan Meowth |
Alolan Persian |
Espeon |
Skitty |
Raikou |
Zangoose |
Delcatty |
Absol |
Sneasal |
Shinx |
Luxio |
Luxray |
Glameow |
Purugly |
Purrloin |
Liepard |
Litleo |
Pyroar |
Espurr |
Meowstic |
Litten |
Torracat |
Incineroar |
Solgaleo |
Zeraora |
Galarian Meowth |
Perrserker |
Mew |
Meowth is the most well-known cat in Pokémon. He is recognized as part of the trio of Team Rocket alongside Jessie and James.

Persian is the evolved form of Meowth and looks even more feline due to its body posture. He has a more elegant form and is popular among the rich as a symbol of luxury.

Alolan Meowth
Regional versions of Meowth and Persian are found in Alola. Alolan Meowth is rare, prideful, and selfish due to having been raised in elite families.
Alolan Persian
Alolan Persian has a similar body form as Persian but with dark blue/grey fur. It is just as intelligent as Persian but March think even higher of itself.
Eevee is a mixture of a lot of animals including foxes, dogs, cats, and rabbits. Espeon most closely resembles a cat, out of all of those evolutions. Its whiskers allow it to sense changes in the wind.
Skitty belongs to feline Generation III Pokémon with a unique pink appearance. It has a large head compared to the rest of its body.
Raikou belongs to one of the three Legendary Beasts, alongside Entei and Suicune introduced in Gen II. Of the three, Raikou most looks like a cat and is likely inspired by the sabre-toothed cat.
Zangoose is another Generation III Pokémon that can be included in this list. He is not a purebreed cat, but he still qualifies as he is a mix between a mongoose and a cat.
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Delcatty is the evolved form of Skitty when it is shown a Moon Stone. Delcatty is a cat with many markings of a feline. It enjoys sleeping in a variety of places.
Absol has a scythe tail and crescent horn. This horn is used to sense nearing danger and he will go out of his way to warn when disaster is approaching.
Many people also asked “Absol is a Dog or a Cat”. Well first it’s a Pokemon and the creators gave it this look. You can consider anything but the answer will be “It’s a Pokemon”
Since I added Zangoose, I would also include Sneasal in this list. Sneasal is a mix between a weasel and a cat, known for being a vicious predator.
Shinx is a Gen IV Pokémon that looks similar to a baby lion or lynx. Like Raikou, Shinx and its evolutions are Electric-type.
At level 15, Shinx evolves into Luxio. Luxio likes to live in minor groups where they are able to communicate with each other through electrical pulses.
The final evolution of the family is at level 30 when Luxio evolves into Luxray. If Shinx is a baby lion, then Luxray is the full-grown adult form.
Glameow resembles most of the modern-day domestic house cat.
At level 38, Glameow evolves into Purugly where it takes on a much more round shape. Purugly is quick to anger and is not afraid to attack others that annoy him.
Purrloin is a purple feline, Gen V Pokémon. Like Meowth, it can also walk on its two hind legs or on all four legs.
Purrlion evolves into Liepard at level 20. It is comparable to many wild cats like cheetahs and leopards due to its speed and silent nature.
Litleo is of the lion family, like Shinx. The major difference is that Litleo is a Fire-type while Shinx is Electric.
At level 35, Pyroar is the evolved form of Litleo. It can breathe fire up to 6,000 degrees Celsius in heat. It is easy to differentiate between males and females by their manes.
Espurr is perhaps the first Psychic-type cat Pokemon, introduced in Gen VI. Do not let appearances deceive you, this tiny adorable creature packs a punch!
At level 25, Meowstic is the evolved form of Espurr. Its appearance differs noticeably depending on if it is male or female.
We are introduced to Litten in Generation VII as the Fire-type of the three starter Pokémon. It is generally emotionless and prefers to be left alone in peace.
Litten evolves into Torracat, at level 17. He carries around a yellow bell which is a flame sac that is in tune with his emotions. He generally loves fighting and has a tough battle sense.
Litten’s final form is Incineroar where he looks less like a cat and more like a pro wrestler.
Solgaleo is a Legendary Pokémon of Psychic or Steel-type that resembles a lion. His prior forms of Cosmoem and Cosmog are not cats yet Solgaleo is. He is considered one of the strongest Pokémon.
Zeraora belongs to an Electric-type Mythical Pokémon. It is also one of the fastest Pokémon, traveling as fast as lightning.
Galarian Meowth
Galarian Meowth is a Steel-type Pokémon. Galarian Meowth evolves into Perrserker.
Perrserker is the latest feline in the Pokémon universe. It evolves from the Galarian Meowth at level 28.
Mew is a small, pink, Psychic-type Mythical Pokémon with high stats. It is shy and rarely seen by humans.
Pink Cat Pokemon List Images
These are the Top and best Pink Cat Pokemon with their transformations. Pink Cat Pokemon is basically a cat Pokemon with a pink tone on it.

Grey Cat Pokemon List Images

Black Cat Pokemon List Images
Black Cat Pokemon is basically black in color with different abilities and strengths.

Purple Cat Pokemon List Images

Blue Cat Pokemon List Images
Blue tone cat Pokemon are known as blue cat Pokemon, some of them are listed below.

That concludes the Best 30 Cat Pokemon List. Which is your favorite Pokécat? Which is your favorite Pokémon? Let me know in the comments below! We will continue updating this list as new Pokémon are released. As the game develops we expect there to be some more new Pokémon additions in the near future.