Awaken Chaos Era Tier List [March] 2025
If you’re looking for information regarding Awaken Chaos Era Tier List, then this article is for you. The Awaken Chaos Era is a turn-based RPG gacha game released in 2022. The gameplay of the Chaos Era includes the formation of teams of heroes to fight in a battle. There are a total of ten chapters or ten levels in this game.
This includes three Normal difficulties, Hard and Mystic. Along with that, 10 Dungeons to farm gear and Hero skills, two challenging dungeons to test your team synergy, Void Tower and Endless Trail, and raid Guild Bosses to earn amazing daily rewards. This article discusses the heroes in the game that you can recruit to step on the battlefield.

Awaken Chaos Era Tier List [March] 2025
Awaken Chaos Era has a total of 140 characters. Each of these characters has its own strengths and weaknesses. But few stand out from all the characters. The characters in this game are arranged according to their capabilities in different tiers. Let’s look at these Awaken Chaos Era Tier List and the characters that fall under them.
S+ Tier List
The S+ tier list has the best of the best heroes in the Awaken Chaos Era Tier List. In the case of Awaken Chaos Era, Evelyn Firstdawn is the one that stands out. It is a great support champion and offers basic attacks that remove buffs. It can defend against a single target in two turns.
Awaken Chaos Era S+ Tier List |
Evelyn Firstdawn |
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Its ultimate is an AoE DPS attack that grants a bonus to all allies at the end of the round. Another trait of this hero is that it grants a defense up and attack up (when ascended) at the start of the battle. Its skills and traits are why she is kept single in the S+ tier list.

S Tier List
The heroes in the S tier ranking are the highest in the Awaken Chaos Era Tier List. The traits and skills that these heroes carry are unmatchable. If you have these characters by your side, you don’t have to worry about the battle. In this game, there are only two heroes in this tier list – Hydrissea and Zatlux.
Awaken Chaos Era S Tier List |
Hydrissea |
Zatlux |
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Hydrissea is a legendary Offense Water Hero that belongs to Dragonscale Marsh. Its unique trait is Dragonkin, which grants her a bonus attack to deal extra damage to all enemies. Glacial Shard is an ability through which it can attack an enemy and applies Speed Down simultaneously.

Zatlux is an Epic Offense Wood hero who belongs to Dragonscale Marsh. It can deal a huge amount of damage to a single-target enemy and perform a killing spree. Regarding its unique trait, Blade of Death is the ability to attack an enemy while simultaneously granting him a Speed Up buff himself for one turn.

A+ Tier List
The heroes that fall under this Awaken Chaos Era Tier List are capable, skilled, and abled. But they are not as strong as the S+ and S tier lists. They can defend against war and, with the help of the heroes of the upper tier, can also carry the war to victory. Let’s take a look at the characters in this Awaken Chaos Era Tier List:
Awaken Chaos Era A+ Tier List |
Zachary |
Connor |
Tia |
Blackhorn |
Siress |
Urion |
William |
Mera |
Holy Yolanda |
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Zachary is an Elite Fire Offense Hero from Free Cities. Its unique ability is Chaos Slaughter. Through this, it can perform an additional attack on the enemies that deals AoE damage if it successfully defeats an enemy.

Tia is a Legendary Control Water Hero from Free Cities. Its unique skill revolves around crowd-controlling enemies by slowing them with Frostbite and Freeze to prevent them from inflicting damage on your allies or inflicting any debuff and instant negative effect on your team.

A Tier List
The members of the A Awaken Chaos Era Tier List are not as capable as the S or S+ tier members, but they can give a good fight to the enemies. They are a lot better than many in the game. You can rely on them for many battles. Let’s take a look at the heroes that come under this Awaken Chaos Era Tier List:
Awaken Chaos Era A Tier List |
Nathalia |
Windstrex |
Hugh |
Balberith |
Mytheasia |
Earendil |
Thomas |
Gangelo |
Gubeg |
Orakh |
Hector |
Asrina |
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Nathalia is an Epic Offense Water hero from Free Cities. Its unique trait is called Arcane Energy. This trait gives her the basic ability to target an additional enemy for each buff on her, which means having at least three buffs will enable her to attack all four enemies on the battlefield.

Windex is an Epic Support Wood hero. Its special ability is called Roaring Gale. This ability enables it to Speed Up and Attack Up buff to all allies, so they can overtake the enemy turn and nuke them down.

B Tier List
The B+ Tier list carries those heroes that are just normal. They can participate in a battle with their limited capabilities but cannot win the battle single-handedly. They will need a set of upper-tier heroes to make it to victory. Let’s take a look at their heroes and their skills and capabilities.
Awaken Chaos Era B Tier List |
Ravyn |
Abbott |
Antinua |
Santis |
Hakrin |
Jacob |
Ztlin |
Lydia |
Mulhex |
Evelyn |
Urzag |
Bruszakk |
Abaddon |
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Ravyn is an Elite Offense Dark Hero from Soulplunders. Its unique ability is called the name Lie in Wait.

Abbott is an Elite Support Water Hero from Holy Light Empire. Its special ability is Grace. It can heal a team member and grant a Shield with strength equal to 50% of their lost Health for three turns.

C Tier List
The heroes in this Awaken Chaos Era Tier List are slightly better than the lower tiers but not good enough. These characters shouldn’t be your first choice. Let’s see the characters in this Awaken Chaos Era Tier List:
Awaken Chaos Era C Tier List |
Dark Marian |
Marian Shadowblood |
Mognar |
Ciara |
Brand |
Yolanda |
Corrupt Orakh |
Savannah |
Elson |
Joseph |
Marian |
Freya |
Crazed Urzag |
Valeria |
Darkened Nicklaus |
Nicklaus |
Desmond |
Imogen |
Dark Dragon Asrina |
Melizza |
Kane |
Virgil |
Helmar |
Scarlett |
Vance |
Kyle |
Andre |
Edicris |
Lunar Melizza |
Celestial Kane |
Rickard |
Lordrec |
Vengeful Hassel |
Hassel |
Harbeg |
Borden |
Lightwing Zachary |
Celestial Kane is an Epic Defense Light Hero from Sylvan Woodlands. Its special abilities include Natural Healing; it can be the best supporter and protect its allies.

Helmar is an Epic Offense Water Hero from Sylvan Woodlands. Its special trait is Bloodthirsty, which gives it a bonus attack on the enemies.

D+ Tier List
The characters in this Awaken Chaos Era Tier List should be avoided at any cost. They are the weakest and will not be able to stand the heroes in the upper tier. Let’s take a look at these tier heroes and their characteristics.
Awaken Chaos Era D+ Tier List |
Foody |
Celine |
Agzul |
Charles |
Dulov |
Vidar |
Anna |
Cece |
Rodira |
Valuk |
Kaluk |
Maluk |
Tuzago |
Rujago |
Mulago |
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Foody is a material light hero from the Holy Light Empire. Its special ability is Jelly Fanatic; using this, it reduces the EXP cost for upgrading/leveling a hero by 50%.

Celine is an Elite Offences Water Hero from Holy Light Empire. Its special ability is called the name Bubbles.

D Tier List
The characters of this Awaken Chaos Era Tier List should also be avoided. They are the weakest and will do no good to the unit. Let’s look at these characters:
Awaken Chaos Era D Tier List |
Fire Mage |
Spies |
Imperial Archer |
Water Mage |
Earth Mage |
Female Paladin |
Tracker |
Contaminator |
Darkling Dwarves |
Heretic |
Reaper |
Dark Priest |
Cleaver |
Darkling Orc |
Abigor |
Elf Archer |
Elf Swordsman |
Hook Pirate |
Fire Mage is a Fire Offense-type Rare Hero from the Free Cities faction. Its ultimate ability is Firestorm which enables him to attack all enemies that come its way.

Imperial Archer is a Rare Offense Wood hero from Holy Light Empire. Its Swift shot is his basic attack that deals damage to an enemy and has a chance to Speed up himself.

This was the Awaken Chaos Era Tier List that you must know if you are an Awaken Chaos Era player. For more such information you can visit our site where we post news and the latest updates on gaming, upcoming games, gaming builds, and much more.