All Pokémon Starters in 2025 [Complete List]
Annually, gamers are introduced to a new Pokémon game, and one of the benefits of playing these games is the vast availability of older and new Pokémon characters to the players. The gamers must choose a starter Pokemon from the All Pokémon Starters list as it increases their chances of advancing further in the Pokemon game.

There is a lot of different starter Pokemon that you will come across in the game, like wild Pokémon, grass-type starter Pokemon, water-type starters, fire-type starter, red starter Rokémon, Kalos starters Pokemon, omega ruby, alpha sapphire starter Pokémon, Pokémon gold starter Pokémon, etc.
From this long list, your player character will be allowed to choose a preferred Pokemon starter for the first battle in the main game.
The very beginning of the first game in the core series brings unique challenges to gym leaders and tests the gamers’ skills. This is why we have bought you the Pokemon starters by generation in order to help you in the selection process.
If you haven’t played the mainline Pokémon games; you are new and looking for your first partner Pokémon, then you will surely enjoy this article as the Pokémon starters that we will be talking about will surely help you in various situations like trainer’s school, championship match, middle stages, as well as the other battles that you will fight.
![All Pokémon Starters [Complete List] All Pokémon Starters [Complete List]](
All Pokémon Starters in 2025
There is no denying the fact that there is. an extensive list of Pokémon starters in the Pokémon games you will play. You must begin with your first Pokémon in the Pokémon world, which can guide you to future triumphs and unlock access to other Pokémon and their ultimate evolutions.
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It is important to note that your journey will start from the basics and gradually lead to mega-evolution in other games. Despite that, throughout the Pokémon series, you will undoubtedly reap the rewards of the final forms of the remaining Pokémon.
However, until then, it is all part of the journey. Without further ado, let us delve into some important names among all Pokemon starters by generation.
All Pokémon Starters |
Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charmander |
Pikachu |
Eevee |
Cyndaquil, Totodile, Chiqorita |
Mudkip, Treecko, Torchic |
Chimchar, Piplup, Turtwig |
Oshawott, Snivy, Tepig |
Fennekin, Chespin, Froakie |
Litten, Popplio, Rowlett |
Scorbunny, Sobble, Grookey |
Fuecoco, Sprigatito, Quaxly |
Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charmander
The first in All Pokémon Starters, we have are Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander, they are part of the Kanto starters. These Pokémon starters belong to the Kanto region, and they remain one of the most popular Pokémon in the entire franchise.
Bulbasaur is one of the first starter Pokémon that was introduced in Generation 1. Bulbasaur is a grass and poison-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the Seed Pokémon species.
The abilities that Bulbasaur has in the Pokémon games are: Overgrow and Chlorophyll. Bulbasaur does not have any initial form that he can evolve from; however, he can evolve into other forms like Ivysaur and Venusauraus.
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Squirtle is another first starter Pokémon that was introduced in Generation 1. Squirtle is a water-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the Tiny Turtle Pokémon species.
The abilities that Squirtle has in the Pokémon games are Torrent and Rain Dish. Squirtle does not have any initial form that it evolved from; however, it can further evolve into other forms like Wartortle and Blastoise.
Charmander is also one of the first starter Pokémon that was introduced in Generation 1. Charmander is a fire-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the lizard Pokémon species.
Some of the abilities that Charmander has in the Pokémon games include Blaze and Solar Power. Charmander does not have any initial form that he evolves from; however, he can further evolve into various forms like Charmeleon, Charizard, and Mega Charizard X.

Another character in All Pokémon Starters list is Pikachu which can easily be described as one of the most popular Pokémon among the entire Pokémon starters, and he has served ash from the start of the Pokémon franchise.
Pikachu is one of the first starter Pokémon that was introduced in Generation 1. Pikachu is an electric-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the mouse Pokémon species.
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The abilities that Pikachu has in the Pokémon games are Static and Lightning Rod. Pikachu does not have any initial form that he evolves from; however, he has a final evolution form named Raichu that he eventually evolves into; however, there is a Gigantamax Pikachu form that Pikachu can rarely evolve into.

Eevee is one of the cutest starter Pokémon in the All Pokémon Starters list that you come across in Pokémon. Eevee is also one of the first starter Pokémon that was introduced in Generation 1. Eevee is a normal-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the evolution Pokémon species.
The abilities that Eevee has in the Pokémon games are Run Away, Adaptability, and Anticipation. Eevee does not have any initial form that he evolves from; however, he can evolve into various forms like Jolteon, Vaporeon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, and Sylveon.

Cyndaquil, Totodile, Chiqorita
The Cyndaquil, Totodile, and Chiqorita are Generation 2 in All Pokémon Starters list that gamers can use as their first Pokémon. Cyndaquil is one of the first starter Pokémon that was introduced in Generation 2.
Cyndaquil is a fire-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the fire mouse Pokémon species. The abilities that Cyndaquil has in Pokémon are Blaze and Flash Fire.
Cyndaquil does not have any initial form that he evolves from. However, he can further evolve into other forms like Quilava and Typhlosion.
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Totodile is also one of the first starter Pokémon that was introduced in Generation 2. Totodile is a water-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the big jaw Pokémon species.
The abilities that Totodile has in Pokémon are Torrent and Sheer Force. Totodile does not have any initial form that he evolves from; however, he can evolve into other forms like Croconaw and Feraligatr later in the game.
Chiqorita is a grass-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the leaf Pokémon species. The abilities that Chiqorita has in Pokémon are Overgrow and Leaf Guard.
Chiqorita does not have any initial form that he evolves from; however, he can evolve into other forms like Bayleef and Meganium

Mudkip, Treecko, Torchic
The Mudkip, Treecko, and Torchic are from the Hoenn region in the All Pokémon Starters list. Also, the Mudkip, Treecko, and Torchic are Generation 3 starter Pokémon that gamers can use as their first Pokémon. Mudkip is a water-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the mudfish Pokémon species.
The abilities that Mudkip has in Pokémon include Torrent and Damp. Mudkip does not have any initial form that he evolves from; however, he evolves into other forms like Marshtomp and Swampert as you advance in the game.
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Treecko is a grass-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the wood gecko Pokémon species. The abilities that Treecko has in Pokémon are Overgrow and Unburden.
Treecko does not have any initial form that he evolves from; however, he can evolve into various forms like Grovyle, Sceptile, and Mega Sceptile.
Torchic is a fire-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the chick Pokémon species. The various abilities that Torchic has in Pokémon are Blaze and Speed Boost.
Being a starter Pokémon, Torchic does not have any initial form that he evolves from; however, he can evolve into various forms like Combusken, Blaziken, and Mega Blaziken.

Chimchar, Piplup, Turtwig
The Chimchar, Piplup, and Turtwig are Generation 4 in the All Pokémon Starters list that gamers can use as their first Pokémon. Chimchar is a fire-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the chimp Pokémon species.
The abilities that Chimchar has in Pokémon are Blaze and Iron Fist. Chimchar does not have any initial form that he evolves from; however, he can evolve into other forms like Monferno and Infernape later in the game.
Piplup is a water-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the penguin Pokémon species. The abilities that Piplup has in Pokémon are Torrent and Defiant.
Piplup does not have any initial form that he evolves from; however, he can evolve into other forms, which include Prinplup and Empoleon.
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Turtwig is a grass-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the tiny leaf Pokémon species. The various abilities that Turtwig has in Pokémon are Overgrow and Shell Armor.
As a starter Pokémon, Turtwig does not have any initial form that he evolves from; however, he can evolve into other forms like Grotle and Torterra.

Oshawott, Snivy, Tepig
The Oshawott, Snivy, and Tepig are Generation 5 in the All Pokémon Starters list that gamers can use as their first Pokémon. Oshawott is a water-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the sea otter Pokémon species.
The abilities that Oshawott has in Pokémon include Torrent and Shell Armor. Oshawott does not have any initial form that he evolves from; however, he can further evolve into other forms like Dewott and Samurott.
Snivy is a grass-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the grass snake Pokémon species. The abilities that Snivy has in Pokémon are Overgrow and Contrary.
Like other Pokemon Starters, Snivy does not have any initial form that he evolves from; however, he can further evolve into other forms like Servine and Serperior.
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Tepig is a fire-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the fire pig Pokémon species. The various abilities that Tepig has in Pokémon are Blaze and Thick Fat.
Tepig does not have any initial form that he can evolve from; however, he can further evolve into various forms like Pignite and Emboar.

Fennekin, Chespin, Froakie
The Fennekin, Chespin, and Froakie are Generation 6 of the All Pokémon Starters that gamers can use as their first Pokémon. Fennekin is a fire-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the fox Pokémon species.
The abilities that Fennekin has in Pokémon include Blaze and Magician. Fennekin does not have any initial form that he evolves from; however, he can evolve into forms like Braixen and Delphox later in the game.
Chespin is a grass-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the spiny nut Pokémon species. Chespin’s abilities in Pokémon include Overgrow and Bulletproof.
Chespin does not have any initial form that he evolves from; however, he can evolve into other forms like Quilladin and Chesnaught.
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Froakie is a water-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the bubble frog Pokémon species. The abilities that Froakie has in Pokémon include Torrent and protean. Froakie does not have any initial form that he evolves from; however, he can evolve into other forms like Frogadier and Greninja.

Litten, Popplio, Rowlett
The Litten, Popplio, and Rowlett are Generation 7 starter Pokémon that gamers can use as their first Pokémon.
Litten is a fire-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the fire cat Pokémon species.
The abilities that Litten has in Pokémon are Blaze and Intimidate. Litten does not have any initial form that he evolves from; however, he can evolve into other forms like Torracat and Incineroar.
Popplio is a water-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the sea lion Pokémon species. The abilities that Popplio has in Pokémon are Torrent and Liquid Voice.
Popplio does not have any initial form that he evolves from; however, he can evolve into other forms like Brionne and Primarina.
Rowlett is a grass and flying-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the grass quill Pokémon species. The abilities that Rowlett has in Pokémon include Overgrow and Long Reach.
Being a starter Pokémon, Rowlett does not have any initial form that he evolves from; however, he can evolve into other forms like Dartrix and Decidueye.

Scorbunny, Sobble, Grookey
The Scorbunny, Sobble, and Grookey are Generation 8 starter Pokémon that gamers can use as their first Pokémon. Scorbunny is a fire-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the rabbit Pokémon species.
Two of the abilities that Scorbunny has in Pokémon are Blaze and Libero. Scorbunny does not have any initial form that he evolves from; however, he will evolve into forms like Raaboot and Cinderace later in the game.
Sobble is a water-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the water lizard Pokémon species. The abilities that Sobble has in Pokémon are Torrent and Sniper.
Sobble does not have any initial form that he evolves from; however, he can evolve into forms like Drizzle and Inteleon as its advances in the game.
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Grookey is a grass-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the chimp Pokémon species. The abilities that Grookey has in Pokémon are Overgrow and Grassy Surge.
Grookey does not have any initial form that he evolves from; however, he can evolve into other forms like Thwackey and Rillaboom.

Fuecoco, Sprigatito, Quaxly
The Fuecoco, Sprigatito, and Quaxly are Generation 9 of the All Pokémon Starters list that gamer can use as their first Pokémon. Fuecoco is a fire-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the fire croc Pokémon species.
The abilities that Fuecoco has in Pokémon include Blaze and Unaware. Fuecoco does not have any initial form that he evolves from; however, he can evolve into other forms like Crocalor and Skeledirge. Sprigatito is a grass-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the grass cat Pokémon species.
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The abilities that Sprigatito has in Pokémon are Overgrow and Protean. Sprigatito does not have any initial form that he can evolve from; however, he can evolve into other forms like Floragato and Meowscarada later in the game.
Quaxly is a water-type starter Pokémon that belongs to the Duckling Pokémon species. The abilities that Quaxly has in Pokémon are Torrent and Moxie.
Quaxly does not have any initial form that he evolves from; however, he can evolve into other forms like Quaxwell and Quaquaval.

So, here is the complete list of All Pokémon Starters in 2025 that will help you in selecting the best Pokémon to start the game. If you have any questions regarding the Pokémon starters mentioned above, feel free to leave a comment in the comment box below. For more such information you can visit our site where we post news and the latest updates on gaming, upcoming games, gaming builds, and much more.