Valorant Tier List [March] 2025 | Characters Ranked
In this article, we will discuss Valorant Tier List to help you make better decisions during the course of the game. Valorant is a first-person shooter game where instead of the usual guns and a player’s skills deciding a match, the Agents’ abilities can change the outcome of a game. You also get to choose from a variety of characters called Agents, each with unique abilities.

Although some players March only have expertise in using certain Agents, understanding the most powerful ones in the current meta and familiarising oneself with their abilities can provide insight into how they function.
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Choosing agents that are in the meta gives you an advantage against an enemy team, as these agents have better kits than the others. However, some Agents might be better on other maps, especially the newly added map, Lotus.
This is why knowing which Agents are buffed and nerfed is important. To solve this problem here are all the agents arranged in order of their strengths and weaknesses in the Valorant Tier List.
Valorant Tier List [March] 2025
The Valorant Tier List includes five different tiers that are S Tier, A Tier, B Tier, C Tier, and D Tier. Here you will get a well-researched list where the characters are ranked into these five tiers. Here are the characters in each tier.
S Tier | Harbor, Fade |
A Tier | Brimstone, Omen, Yoru, Skye, Sova, Cypher, Viper, Reyna |
B Tier | Jett, Chamber, Breach, Neon, Sage, Killjoy, Raze |
C Tier | Astra, KAY/O |
D Tier | Phoenix |
S Tier List
The S Valorant Tier List has all the best that the game has. Having these characters by your side means a guaranteed victory only if you use them wisely. Here are the characters that are included in S Valorant Tier List:
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Fade: First on our list in the S Valorant Tier List agents is Fade, the initiator who joined the last version, 4.08. Since then, she has been in the S-tier spot. Fade’s initiation abilities, binding and intel-gathering abilities make her the best initiator. Her fear ability makes you fear Fade herself whenever you come up against her in a match.
Who doesn’t get afraid if you suddenly get revealed or do not hear anything for a short period? She has replaced Sova as the best initiator due to these abilities. Despite not being categorized as a duelist, her kit enables players to swiftly track down and incapacitate foes, resulting in a fast-paced gameplay experience.

Harbor: The latest Agent in the Valorant Tier List is Harbor, the water-conjuring controller from India, and the 20th agent you should have in every match. This Agent has a bulletproof smoke shield that is perfect for planting the spike or defusing it.
In addition to his other utility skills such as a moving wall, he has an ultimate ability that summons a geyser pool, which can target enemies in its vicinity and cause them to become concussed upon impact.
His kit revolves around creating space for your team and creating opportunities to take over sites using his ultimate ability. With the buffs Harbor received after his release, he is now a worthy S-tier agent.

A Tier List
The A Valorant Tier List has some of the best characters of the game, but they are not as good as the ones in the S Tier list. But they are still better than a lot of characters in the game and you can count on them. Here are the characters from the A Valorant Tier List:
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Brimstone: Brimstone has been climbing the Valorant Tier List after the past few updates and is now better than he used to be. He now has cheaper Incendiary Molotov, longer duration Sky Smokes, and farther deployment range. These abilities make him the best agent when it comes to entering a site quickly.
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Additionally, his ultimate ability, Orbital Strike, prevents enemies from entering or passing through specific areas like the U-Haul at Bind. With the current meta, there are other viable smoke agents other than Brimstone, but it still depends on the map.

Omen: Omen was once the top pick in the early days, but he dropped down to B Valorant Tier List after his nerfs. But he is still one viable controller in Valorant, and with the recent buffs and balances, he is now back to being one of the A-tier agents. Omen’s kit is excellent for giving your team an advantage.
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It can either be reclaiming a site or preventing the enemy from having map control. Omen is slowly getting back to his top dominant form. With how Omen can be excellent in most situations, players should have him on their team comps as long as they know his abilities and role.

Yoru: Yoru was an A Valorant Tier List agent initially that fell to the bottom for some time. This is due to the in-meta duelist who has better kits than him. Although his kit is not bad as a duelist, there were others who excelled other than Yoru. His flashes can be avoided easily, his Fakeout ability can easily be detected.
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Fortunately, his ultimate ability, Dimensional Drift, can still be used to gain information by heading behind enemy lines without being seen. Additionally, his recent updates bumped him to the A-tier list again.
His new crowd-control abilities and ult that allow him to cast utility skills while in his Dimensional Drift, make him an exceptional choice for players.

Skye: Skye did not have a great start once she was released into the game but players slowly understood how her kit worked which is why she became an A tier. Despite losing one flash charge in the latest update (3.06).
She now has the added advantage of being able to regenerate her charges mid-round, as well as having more potent concussive abilities. With a combination of healing, flashing, and other useful skills, Sky excels as a supportive agent who can also be a bit aggressive.
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Mastering her will make it easier to advance in competitive mode, even if she has a high skill ceiling than other agents. Patch 5.09 has changed her ultimate ability. Targets that are intangible cannot be debuffed by her seekers; this includes Yoru in Dimensional Drift and Reyna while she is Dismissed.

Sova: When Cypher got nerfed, Sova became the best intel-gathering Agent. However, with the line-ups, you must learn how to use them in each map of the game. Mastering line-ups gives you a different experience of gaining intel that no other agent can replicate in the game.
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His Owl Drone ability gives you the advantage of scouting an area before your team enters it. Sova got nerfed last Episode 3 but his unmatchable intel-gathering abilities and Owl Drone which acts like a sixth man, make him a must-have agent in any match.

Cypher: Once the king of intel-gathering, Cypher, but with the nerfs, Sova dethroned him, especially when he loses his tripwires when he dies. He is still the best when locking down a site with his cameras and cages.
Don’t forget his ultimate ability, Neutral Theft, to reveal everyone on the map. With reduced costs, it becomes a nightmare for the opposing team. With his recent buffs, the Moroccan information broker is now back to the A tier.

Viper: Viper is one of the current meta picks but is not excellent for solo quests. However, this agent can fit like a glove if you have a team at your back. She can be challenging to master, and you must have precision, but in the right hands, this Agent can even lock down sites on her own, depending on the map.
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Viper is lethal in defence, especially if her abilities are timed correctly. Instead of outright killing enemies, her abilities only inflict minor damage, making it crucial to have strong support to take advantage of the weakened state of the enemies.
Adding the “fragile” debuff to Viper’s Snakebite makes enemies avoid her molotovs at all costs to avoid receiving double damage.

Reyna: Reyna is still an excellent choice for players hungry for action, even after all her huge nerfs. She has fewer charges for both her Devour and Dismiss, which makes her play style less aggressive.
At least, you can get souls now on assists, so you do not need to have a kill to heal or become invulnerable. She is still significant but less dominant than the previous versions, where she can even do 1v9 on a good day.

B Tier List
The B Valorant Tier List has some of the average characters of the game. These are decent characters that have limited strength and can help you out in combat, but winning the combat cannot be left to them Here are the characters from the B Valorant Tier List:
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Jett: The most known duelist in Valorant Tier List and has always dominated the top. However, the nerfs last update (4.08) knocked her out of her throne, particularly with regard to her abilities.
However, even with those nerfs, she still is one of the top Agents in Valorant’s meta, especially if you give her an Operator. She does not offer any utility except for her occasional smokes. But the recent nerfs on her Blade Storm in the last update, 5.03, knocked her down to the B-tier list.

Chamber: A previously excellent sentinel, Chamber, has fallen to the B Valorant Tier List after his recent nerf in the latest update (5.12). Before that, he was constantly hovering on the S and A tiers, similar to other agents who started at the top. But even with the nerfs, Chamber can still intimidate the enemy team.

Breach: Breach, one of the most well-rounded agents in the Valorant Tier List, can go straight into a gunfight and even set up your team for a great retake or gain map control. Both of his abilities, Flashpoint and Aftershock, are used to deal damage and crowd control to enemies that are peeking or taking cover as they bypass any wall.
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With Breach’s ultimate ability, Rolling Thunder, you can quickly decapitate enemies if they are in the ult range, making them dazed and knocked out. This makes him one of the best players in the game. He is a stable and great agent to use. Still, other agents are better options in different situations.

Neon: The majority of the Agents who were recently released stay at the top of the tier list rankings but Neon is not one of them; she is still in the B Valorant Tier List even now.
This Filipina duelist is not a disappointing addition to Valorant, but some agents can perform better than her. Still, she is a fun agent to play with, with her electrical powers and rocket-like speed to zoom in and out of a gunfight anytime you want.

Sage: Even with the recent nerfs, Sage’s slow and Barrier Orbs can still be great at cornering specific spots on the map. You can still boost yourself onto higher areas, giving you a height advantage for peeking and getting information.
She might be in the B Valorant Tier List, but her Resurrection ability is still useful, especially in clutch situations, making it an absolute game changer. It is still one of the best abilities in the game, even if it now costs eight points.

Killjoy: Killjoy is one of the best sentinels in the game. Her abilities allow her to defend a site on her own and she can also be good offensively with her Nanoswarm grenades. However, she can no longer leave her bots and go to the other side of the map, like when she was introduced to the game.
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Now, Killjoy must be near the area in order to make all her abilities come online. Not only that, but her bots also now have a 20-second cooldown so you cannot retrieve them and instantly position them again.
She recently got nerfed, decreasing her Turret’s health to 100, making it easy to kill her even if you use weaker weapons. Her ultimate, the best part of her kit, also got nerfed, increasing the cost to eight points. With that, she dropped down into the B Valorant Tier List.

Raze: Raze’s abilities are all about area denial. Using her Boombot for intel gathering and her Blast Pack to boost and give her a vertical advantage, clearly shows why Raze is destructive in both Attack and Defence.
Don’t forget to include her ultimate, it provides you with an instant kill as long as it hits an enemy. However, she has fallen further down the tier list, especially with her recent nerfs, making her the last Agent to be mentioned on our B-tier list.

C Tier List
The C Valorant Tier List has some of the weakest characters of the game and you just can’t be dependent on them. Here are the characters from the C Valorant Tier List:
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Astra: First on our C-tier list is Astra, and she might be too complex for the average joe to play. She can potentially become great, especially if you’ve seen how pro players use her. Her kit makes her an all-in-one controller, having smoked, stuns, gravity wells, and a vast screen that blocks damage and sound.
However, even with all of that, she is still more complex and quite vulnerable than the others. Additionally, the recent nerfs have really dropped her value as an Agent in the game.

KAY/O: Upon KAY/O’s release, he quickly ascended to the S Valorant Tier List. However, in the months following his debut, he has experienced fluctuations in his position on the tier list.
Despite KAY/O’s impressive flash ability, using him can be challenging, leading many players to choose a different Agent instead. Additionally, recent nerfs have caused KAY/O’s position on the tier list to drop even further, placing him in the C tier.

D Tier List
The characters in D Valorant Tier List are the weakest characters and they should be ignored at all costs. Here is the character from the D Valorant Tier List:
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PHOENIX: Phoenix can be considered the most average agent in the Valorant Tier List, as he neither excels nor falls short significantly. However, his ultimate ability, “Run it Back,” remains an effective means of securing an early frag while attempting to enter a site alongside your team.
He also has flashes that can be hard to avoid, and his wall and fireball abilities can heal him. Phoenix is still one of the best in a 1v1 situation, but he is the weakest duelist in the game. Although some players can dominate a game while using Phoenix, it is pretty rare.

As indicated by our list, agents ranked in the S and A Valorant Tier List are currently in the meta. Therefore, if your goal is to climb the ranks in Valorant, it’s crucial to master a specific agent. This concludes our Valorant Agent Tier List, featuring the agents that are currently in or out of the meta.
As Riot occasionally updates Valorant, you March notice some of the agents at the bottom rise to the top or vice versa. For more such information you can visit our site where we post news and the latest updates on gaming, upcoming games, gaming builds, and much more.