League of Legends Aphelios Build in 2025 [Guide]
League of Legends Aphelios is one of the favorites in the game. Now there are lots of people who want Aphelios Build. In this article, you will get to know everything about Aphelios, from abilities to skins.

What is Aphelios
Aphelios, the Weapon Of The Faithful is a marksman champion that was introduced to the league of legends in March 2019. He was born during a rare lunar convergence, when the physical moon was eclipsed by its reflection on the spirit realm with his twin sister, Alune.
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During his young age, he practiced tirelessly with mystical moonstone blades, hurting himself in the process. Then after that, he was sent to do many dangerous/impossible missions to protect the Lunari.
His training as an assassin has been given reach by Alune’s magic, changing Aphelios’s weapon into a powerful tool through the bond of his sister and him during their missions together.
He plays bottom lane and priorities in earning gold coins and in the late game he should deal lots of damage during team fights to win the game which makes its role called Attack Damage Carry (ADC).
Aphelios Skills | Abilities
Given down below are the Aphelios skills, through which you will understand how good he is.

Passive: Basic attack have increased of 100 bonus range
- Q: Fires a skill shot that damages and then marks the enemy. When the enemy champion is marked, he is able to right-click the enemy to attack with his off-hand once anywhere on the map and also remove nearby marks.
- R: When a basic attack is used on the ultimate marked target, he is able to deal bonus damage to the enemy clicked and also a nearby enemy that is marked.
Passive: Heals Aphelios for a portion of the damage basic attacks deal. When Aphelios is full health, it is converted into a shield that lasts up to 30 seconds.

- Q: Gain additional movement speed and rapidly fire your main-hand and off-hand weapons at the nearest enemy, prioritizing champions. Onslaught shots are dealt with in reduced damage.
- R: When a basic attack is used on the ultimate marked target, it grants Aphelios a flat heal if he hits an enemy.
Passive: Applies a 30% decaying slow to enemies on hit.

- Q: Damage and root all enemies on the map affected by Gravitum’s slow for 1 second.
- R: When a basic attack is used on the ultimate marked target, the next basic attack applies a 99% slow.
Passive: Deals 110% damage to targets and spray four firebolts in a cone behind them. Critical strikes will widen the cone.

- Q: Damage and root all enemies on the map affected by Gravitum’s slow for 1 second.
- R: When a basic attack is used on the ultimate marked target, the next basic attack will create circles around enemies hit instead of damage cones behind them, dealing 75% of the damage.
Passive: Applies a 30% decaying slow to enemies on hit.

Q: Damage and root all enemies on the map affected by Gravitum’s slow for 1 second.
R: If it hits less than 3 enemies, its next basic attack still increases the damage of Crescendum’s basic attack as if at least three enemies were hit.
League of Legends Aphelios Build
Runes Section
Runes add or enhance champion abilities and statistics. Players can use them to customize their champions before the start of a game.
Lethal Tempo

Taking a lethal tempo will help to deal massive damage in a short period of time and also increase the attack speed after dealing damage on the enemy champion. To cycle, the weapon and change to the mode you want, attack fast so that you will be able to get the mode you wanted.

Taking triumph is good because it enables us to secure outplays especially during one versus one, by healing after we get a takedown not only that, it also grants an extra 20 gold.
Legend: Alacrity

Legend: Alacrity synergizes and goes well with Lethal Tempo because it increases our attack speed and even grants a permanent, bonus percentage on enemy takedowns.
Coup de Grace

Coup de Grace is a great rune in this build because it will be granted extra burst damage on low health and squishy enemy champions such as their ADC or assassins by allowing us to finish off kills in one or two shots.
Magical Footwear

Bringing magical footwear is extremely useful especially for ADC roles such as Aphelios because it can save 300 gold and allow us to finish our core items quicker such as Infinity Edge and Essence Reaver.
Biscuit Delivery

This rune will be able to help to sustain in the laning phase, it is extremely useful when facing aggressive enemy players. It also increases mana and health cap with every biscuit consumed or being sold.
Item Section
Infinity Edge

Going with an infinity edge can really bring out serious damage to the enemy champion depending on the weapon you’re using. Infinity edge also has a unique passive which increases the damage of critical strikes by 25%.
Rapid Firecannon

Going with a rapid-fire cannon can grant you lots of attack speed which is quicker attacks, and cycling through your weapons faster. Rapid Firecannon also provides extra movement speed, as well as wide hitbox range with a cooldown
Essence Reaver

Going with essence reaver will provide you with more cooldown reduction (CDR) and mana regen on every auto-attack to be able to sustain the lane well. This item also provides us with heavy AD, helping us take out or delete those squishy enemies.

Going with stormrazor is a good choice. Ever since the update, it becomes more useful because it enables us to slow enemies by 75% with an energized attack, by that, we will be able to catch up to the enemy faster, and not to mention this item also provides attack speed and attack damage.
Statikk Shiv

Statikk shiv gives you a nice Area of Effect (AoE) damage when energized, it also grants us additional attack speed, critical chances, and movement speed it is an affordable and great item to go with.
Phantom Dancer

When you’re facing enemies with a majority of Attack Damage and getting worried to get one-shotted by their assassin then go for a phantom dancer because it provides a shield when health is dropping below 30%. Not only that, after a basic attacking an enemy champion, there will be a ghost effect for 2 seconds, it also grants you more attack speed and critical chances.
Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel will give you a second chance in life meaning that when the enemy kills you, you will be revived again, it is extremely useful if you’re on the carry-on team and being hunted down every team fight.

With bloodthirster you’ll gain massive amounts of attack damage and a “blood shield” when your lifestyle over heals you, this will help you to sustain the lane better.
How to get Aphelios
Blue Essence
Blue Essence is the main currency used to open all ways of things in League of Legends. You’ll acquire it through match play, by finishing Missions or disenchant Champion Shards contained in Champion Capsules that are granted when you level up or Hextech Chest as well.

Accumulate enough Blue Essence and you’ll have the option to permanently unlock champions such as Aphelios. When you reach Summoner Level 5 through match play, you’ll begin getting Champion Capsules each time you level up. These contain Champion Shards that can be disenchanted to get BE (Blue Essence).
Champion Shards and Hextech Chests
Champion Shards drop randomly from Hextech Chests which you’ll win on the off chance that you or a teammate accomplishes an S-level match performance. You can Upgrade a shard by utilizing a specific amount of Blue Essence. This will unlock the Champion permanently.

You can also activate the shard to “rent” a Champion for a sum of 7 days. This will devour the shard, so you won’t have the option to utilize it again until you gain another. Hextech Chests are available with real money from the store also.
Play matches and there’s an opportunity a Key Fragment will drop. You’ll have to join 3 Key Fragments to make a Hextech Key which will open a Hextech Chest. You can procure up to 12 Key Fragments in a multi-week time span. Basically, play the game and you’ll consistently develop gracefully after some time.
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RP Purchases
You can permanently unlock champions by using Riot Points (RP) as well. The latest champion release will cost much more compared to those who’ve been out for quite a period of time and will cost less.

Free Champion Rotation
Consistently there’s a Free Champion Rotation that will allow you to play various Champions that you probably haven’t own. They won’t be open forever, you’ll only have the option to evaluate a total of 14 Champions, which is a quite decent arrangement.
Aphelios Skins: How to get a new one
At the point when you score an S grade, you’ll be compensated or rewarded with a chest. The chest contains various in-game items such as ward skin shards, champion skin shards, or champion shards. In case you’re fortunate, you March even get Legendary Tier skins when you open them.

You can likewise disenchant the skin shards to get some Orange Essence and exchange for other skins and make it permanent. To disenchant a skin, simply launch the game client then click the “Loot” icon then select the skin or ward skin you want to disenchant, and finally click on the “Disenchant into Essence” option.
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Hope you like this League of Legends Aphelios Build in 2025, don’t forget to share this with your friends on social media platforms, and if you have any queries then do comment down below.