15 Elden Ring Best Weapons in 2025 [Gamers Choice]
In this article, we will discuss the Elden Ring Best Weapons. Currently, only a handful of action RPG games within the gaming community incorporate gameplay centered around antique, ancient, and mythical weapons, which are not commonly utilized in many modern action RPG games.

Usually, they have a huge fanbase because games featuring archaic weapon categories are visually appealing and provide an immersive experience for gamers, making them enjoyable to play for extended periods of time.
The game we will be discussing today features these archaic weapons and more. Elden Ring is a game that offers a vast array of unique and ancient weapons to players, allowing them to inflict damage upon their enemies while progressing through the game.
In other words, the weapons in the game allow you to inflict damage of various kinds on your enemies, like dealing fire damage, holy damage, magic attack power, heavy attack, strong attack, deal massive damage, frost buildup, etc. Before you can understand the types of damage that the weapons can inflict upon your enemies, you need to familiarize yourself with the various weapons available in the game.
The categories of Elden Ring Best Weapons that can easily help you in battles include a versatile weapon, an arcane scaling weapon, a colossal weapon, an arcane weapon, overpowered weapons, the best intelligence weapons, faith scaling weapons, faith weapons, intelligence scaling weapons, dexterity scaling weapons, fantastic weapons, spinning weapons, powerful weapons, strength scaling weapons, etc.
These are just the categories of weapons from which you can choose your Elden Ring Best Weapons when you are about to engage in a battle. In addition, any one of the weapons from these categories can help you reduce your enemy’s max HP without much hassle, all you need is the best weapons in your hand to inflict physical damage, and the rest can be easily achieved from the skill set that a good player has in the game.
Elden Ring Best Weapons in 2025
If you are new to the Elden Ring game, then you need to understand that there are various weapons in Elden Ring that are considered to be the best weapons. It is these weapons in the game, along with your weapon skill and blood loss buildup, that will determine your fate in the battles you fight in the game.
There is a long list of Elden Ring weapons available in the game, and the list includes names like a colossal sword, straight sword, grafted blade greatsword, dark moon greatsword, moonlight greatsword, ancient lightning spear, curved greatsword, legendary armaments, the lion’s claw, the scavenger’s curved sword, the Queen’s black flame, etc.
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In order to select the Elden Ring Best Weapons that will aid you in battle, we have compiled some of the best weapons that you will come across in the game. Based on your specific needs in a battle, you can select your preferred weapon from the extensive list of top-rated weapons provided below in Elden Ring Best Weapons list.
Elden Ring Best Weapons |
Moonveil |
Prelate's Inferno Crozier |
Rivers Of Blood |
Bloodhound's Fang |
Broadsword |
Sword Of Night And Flame |
Brick Hammer |
Hand Of Malenia |
Sacred Relic Sword |
Blasphemous Blade |
Ghiza's Wheel |
Eleonora's Poleblade |
Dark Moon Greatsword |
Wing Of Astel |
Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear |
The first weapon in the list of Elden Ring Best Weapons is Moonveil one of the melee Elden Ring weapons, and it belongs to the Katana weapon category. The attack type of this weapon is Slash/Pierce, and the skill that it provides in the game is called Transient Moonlight. The FP cost of this weapon is 15 (-20), and it comes with a weight of 6.5.
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The selling price of this weapon is 500, and it can be acquired by defeating Magma Wyrm in Gael Tunnel. The attack power of this weapon includes Physical of 73, Magic of 87, Fire of 0, Lightning of 0, Holy of 0, and Critical of 100, whereas the guarded damage negation of this weapon includes Physical of 31, Magic of 57, Fire damage of 26, Lightning of 26, Holy of 26, and Guard Boost of 31.

Prelate’s Inferno Crozier
The Prelate’s Inferno Crozier is one of the melee Elden Ring Best Weapons and it belongs to the colossal swords category. The attack type of this weapon is Strike, and the skill that it provides in the game is called Ash of War Prelate’s Charge. The FP cost of this weapon is 7 ( – 7), and it comes with a weight of 23.5.
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The selling price of this weapon is 200, and it can be acquired west of the Volcano Manor on Mt. Gelmir. The attack power of this weapon include Physical of 156, Magic of 87, Fire of 0, Lightning of 0, Holy of 0, and Critical of 100, whereas the guarded damage negation of this weapon includes Physical of 82, Magic of 49, Fire of 49, Lightning of 49, Holy of 49, and Guard Boost of 55.

Rivers Of Blood
The Rivers of Blood is one of the Melee Elden Ring Best Weapons, and it belongs to the Katana weapon category. The attack type of this weapon is Slash/Pierce, and the skill that it provides in the game is called Corpse Piler. The FP cost of this weapon is 17 (- 9), and it comes with a weight of 6.5. The selling price of this weapon is 500, and it can be acquired by defeating Bloody Finger Okina at the Church of Repose.
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The attack power of this weapon includes Physical of 76, Magic of 87, Fire of 76, Lightning of 0, Holy of 0, and Critical of 100, whereas the guarded damage negation of this weapon includes Physical of 36, Magic of 26, Fire damage of 52, Lightning of 26, Holy of 26, and Guard Boost of 31.

Bloodhound’s Fang
The Bloodhound’s Fang is one of the melee Elden Ring Best Weapons, and it belongs to the Curved Greatsword weapon category. The attack type of this weapon is Slash, and the skill that it provides in the game is called Bloodhound’s Finesse. The FP cost of this weapon is 8 (- 12), and it comes with a weight of 11.5.
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The selling price of this weapon is 500, and it can be acquired from the Bloodhound Knight Darriwil. The attack power of this weapon include Physical of 141, Magic of 0, Fire of 0, Lightning of 0, Holy of 0, and Critical of 100, whereas the Guarded Damage Negation of this weapon includes Physical of 68, Magic of 36, Fire of 36, Lightning of 36, Holy of 36, and Guard Boost of 44.

The Broadsword is another Melee Elden Ring Best Weapons and it belongs to the Straight Sword weapon category. The attack type of this weapon is Standard/Pierce, and the skill that it provides in the game is called Square Off. The FP cost of this weapon is 6 (- 8), and it comes with a weight of 4.
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The selling price of this weapon is 100, and it can be acquired from the Nomadic Merchant southeast of Coastal Cave. The attack power of this weapon include Physical of 117, Magic of 0, Fire of 0, Lightning of 0, Holy of 0, and Critical of 100, whereas the Guarded Damage Negation of this weapon includes Physical of 47, Magic of 31, Fire of 31, Lightning of 31, Holy of 31, and Guard Boost of 31.

Sword Of Night And Flame
The Sword of Night and Flame is one of the Melee Elden Ring Best Weapons that belong to the Straight Sword weapon category. The attack type of this weapon is Standard/Pierce, and the skill that it provides in the game is called night and flame stance. The FP cost of this weapon is 26 (- 32), and it comes with a weight of 4.
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The selling price of this weapon is 1,000, and it can be acquired from a locked room at Caria Manor. The attack power of this weapon includes Physical of 87, Magic of 56, Fire of 56, Lightning of 0, Holy of 0, and Critical of 100, whereas the Guarded Damage Negation of this weapon includes Physical of 36, Magic of 42, Fire of 42, Lightning of 26, Holy of 26, and Guard Boost of 31.

Brick Hammer
The Brick Hammer is a melee Elden Ring Best Weapons that can deal massive damage. This weapon belongs to the Great Hammer weapon category. The attack type of this weapon is Strike, and the skill that it possesses in the game is called Barbaric Roar. The FP cost of this weapon is 16, and it comes with a weight of 12.5.
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The selling price of this weapon is 100, and it can be found on a corpse in Stormveil Castle. The attack power of this weapon includes Physical of 122, Magic of 0, Fire of 0, Lightning of 0, Holy of 0, and Critical of 100, whereas the Guarded Damage Negation of this weapon includes Physical of 74, Magic of 40, Fire damage of 40, Lightning of 40, Holy of 40, and Guard Boost of 48.

Hand Of Malenia
The Hand Of Malenia is a melee Elden Ring Best Weapons that belongs to the Katana weapon category. The attack type of this weapon is Slash/Pierce, and the skill that it provides in the game is called Waterfowl Dance. The FP cost of this weapon is unknown, and it comes with a weight of 7. The selling price of this weapon is 1000, and it can be obtained from Finger Reader Enia in trade for Remembrance of the Rot Goddess.
The attack power of this weapon includes Physical of 117, Magic of 0, Fire of 0, Lightning of 0, Holy of 0, and Critical of 100, whereas the Guarded Damage Negation of this weapon includes Physical of 49, Magic of 33, Fire damage of 33, Lightning of 33, Holy of 33, and Guard Boost of 33.

Sacred Relic Sword
The Sacred Relic Sword is a melee Elden Ring Best Weapons that belongs to the Greatsword weapon category. The attack type of this weapon is Standard/Pierce, and the skill that it provides in the game is called Waves of Gold. The FP cost of this weapon is unknown, and it comes with a weight of 11.
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The selling price of this weapon is 100, and it can be acquired from Elden Remembrance. The attack power of this weapon includes Physical of 118, Magic of 0, Fire of 0, Lightning of 0, Holy of 76, and Critical of 110, whereas the Guarded Damage Negation of this weapon includes Physical of 47, Magic of 33, Fire damage of 33, Lightning of 33, Holy of 45, and Guard Boost of 36.

Blasphemous Blade
The Blasphemous Blade is a melee Elden Ring Best Weapons that belongs to the Greatsword weapon category. The attack type of this weapon is Standard/Pierce, and the skill that it offers in the game is called Taker’s Flames. The FP cost of this weapon is unknown, and it comes with a weight of 13.5.
The selling price of this weapon is 100, and it can be acquired from Remembrance of the Blasphemous. The attack power of this weapon includes Physical of 121, Magic of 0, Fire of 78, Lightning of 0, Holy of 76, and Critical of 100, whereas the Guarded Damage Negation of this weapon includes Physical of 56, Magic of 39, Fire damage of 54, Lightning of 39, Holy of 39, and Guard Boost of 42.

Ghiza’s Wheel
The Ghiza’s Wheel is a melee Elden Ring Best Weapons that belongs to the colossal weapons category. The attack type of this weapon is Standard, and the skill that it utilizes in the game is called Spinning Wheel. The FP cost of this weapon is 3, and it comes with a weight of 19. The selling price of this weapon is 200, and it can be acquired from the Volcano Manor when dropped by the Inquisitor Ghiza invader.
The attack power of this weapon includes Physical of 156, Magic of 0, Fire of 0, Lightning of 0, Holy of 0, and Critical of 100, whereas the Guarded Damage Negation of this weapon includes Physical of 73, Magic of 43, Fire damage of 43, Lightning of 43, Holy of 43, and Guard Boost of 48.

Eleonora’s Poleblade
Eleonora’s Poleblade is a Melee Elden Ring Best Weapons that belongs to the Twinblade weapon category. The attack type of this weapon is Standard/Pierce, and the skill that it offers in the game is called Bloodblade Dance. The FP cost of this weapon is 11 (- 6), and it comes with a weight of 6. The selling price of this weapon is 100, and it can be acquired by defeating Eleonora, aka Violet Bloody Finger, at the Second Church of Marika.
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The attack power of this weapon includes Physical of 72, Magic of 0, Fire of 72, Lightning of 0, Holy of 0, and Critical of 100, whereas the Guarded Damage Negation of this weapon includes Physical of 33, Magic of 23, Fire damage of 47, Lightning of 23, Holy of 23, and Guard Boost of 28.

Dark Moon Greatsword
The Dark Moon Greatsword is a Melee Elden Ring Best Weapons that belongs to the Greatsword weapons category. The attack type of this weapon is Standard/Pierce, and the skill that it provides in the game is called Moonlight Greatsword. The FP cost of this weapon is 32, and it comes with a weight of 10. The selling price of this weapon is 1000, and it can be received at the end of the Lunar Princess Ranni questline.
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The attack power of this weapon includes Physical of 82, Magic of 98, Fire of 72, Lightning of 0, Holy of 0, and Critical of 100, whereas the Guarded Damage Negation of this weapon includes Physical of 57, Magic of 63, Fire damage of 31, Lightning of 31, Holy of 31, and Guard Boost of 44.

Wing Of Astel
The Wing of Astel is a Melee Elden Ring Best Weapons that belongs to the Curved Sword weapons category. The attack type of this weapon is Slash, and the skill that it provides in the game is called Nebula. The FP cost of this weapon is 20, and it comes with a weight of 2.5. The selling price of this weapon is 200, and it can be found inside a chest in the Uhl Palace Ruins.
The attack power of this weapon includes Physical of 65, Magic of 78, Fire of 0, Lightning of 0, Holy of 0, and Critical of 100, whereas the Guarded Damage Negation of this weapon includes Physical of 28, Magic of 52, Fire damage of 23, Lightning of 23, Holy of 23, and Guard Boost of 23.

Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear
The Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear is a well-known Elden Ring Best Weapons that belongs to the Great Spear weapons category. The attack type of this weapon is Pierce, and the skill that it utilizes in the game is called Blood Moon Ritual. The FP cost of this weapon is 20 (+20), and it comes with a weight of 10.
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The selling price of this weapon is 100, and it can be acquired from Remembrance of the Blood Lord. Although this weapon is effective enough in the game to defeat the various enemies, its attack power and Guarded Damage Negation are currently unknown.

So, here are all the details about the 15 Best Elden Ring Weapons in 2025 that will help you win the game in any situation. If you have any queries regarding the weapons mentioned in the article itself, feel free to leave a comment below. For more such information you can visit our site omggamer.com where we post news the latest updates from the world of gaming, upcoming games, gaming builds, and much more.