Best URF Champions 2025 [March] | URF Tier List LOL
This article will be talking about the Best URF Champions. Are you the type of player who likes to be challenged by playing strong characters?

Ultra Rapid Fire (URF) is perhaps one of the most competitive game modes in League of Legends that features a group of strong characters. It remains popular with players after it was added to the game last 2014.
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Though there might be some who dislike the game mode for the fact that it is almost difficult for a character to leave the tower, nevertheless it’s the beauty of the game that makes it interesting and challenging.
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What are URF Champions
This featured 5v5 game mode of League of Legends is a fan favorite as it allows players to choose any champion they desired to fight against the enemy team. The term URF champion is referred to the hero characters available to use in the game. Each URF champion has its strengths and weaknesses that made them unique from each other.
Their mana and energy consumption are reduced by 100% allowing every player of the game to spam the highlighted abilities of their picked champion. In addition to this, the chosen champion gets an extra boost in the game making it stronger than the others.

URF Tier List 2025 [March]
Here is the URF tier list for 2025. This tier list is based on our audience recommendations. If you want to suggest something then do comment down below.
Best URF Champions |
Qiyana |
Malphite |
Ezreal |
Ekko |
Lee Sin |
Shaco |
Katarina |
Fizz |
Zed |

Best URF Champions 2025 [March]
Most of the URF champions are strong enough to fight against the team’s enemies in the URF game mode. However, to determine the strongest champion that will stand out among the rest can be identifiable on how much the champion benefits from the Awesome Buff that grants all chosen URF champion of players in the game reduced cooldowns, increased attack speed, and unlimited mana.
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If the champion can profit from the endless number of abilities or gain a 2.5 attack speed, that champion will likely be in the list below about the best champions that are highly favorable to pick and use in URF.
This hero has two dashes, an executive, and a stun making her the perfect champion to play in Ultra Rapid Fire. Her abilities have a much shorter cooldown with zero mana costs. The Edge of Ixtal and Terrashape will be given an extraordinarily short cooldown at the start of the game, with the URF champion should dash and throw out as many Qs as possible to match any incoming attacks from the opponents.

There is no doubt why this champion is on the list because of his Unstoppable Forces no champion can escape. His ultimate has a 26-second cooldown at rank 1 and falls around 21 seconds when at rank 2.

This champion is considered to be the original overpowered in URF because of his ability to throw out Mystic Shot after Mystic Shot. This move instantly outrages the opponents and bursts them out before they can even counter-attack. He can be built through AD or AP and yet give the most damage among his team, as long as his Arcane Shift will not be put to waste.

This champion can dash around team fights and close gaps using his Phase Dive which is very annoying to the opponent side however, his Chronobreak is more infuriating. Not to mention his Parallel Convergence that stuns enemies for 2.25 seconds and its 4.4-second cooldown when in rank 1 which is perfect to kick off a team fight. He is one of the slipperiest champions in the game and is un-killable if the opponent cannot get enough crowd control in the champion selection.
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Lee Sin
This champion has the highest skill ceiling among other champions when it comes to Ultra Rapid Fire. Between his abilities and reliance on ward-hopping, the Blind Monk is all about the player’s APM and how fast the player could react. The combo Dragon Rages and Sonic Waves could instantly blow any opponent champion before they could even realize it.

Shaco’s Q has a little 2-second cooldown when in max rank which means when using the Demon Jester it could probably be invisible during the upcoming Ultra Rapid Fire. To master this champion, the player must build a full AP, deceive within the range of the enemy, throw out a Two-Shiv Poison, deceive and then repeat. With this combo, it might be boring but it is the most ideal for picking up kills and frustrating the other enemy champions.
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This champion is getting stronger with the addition of an 80% cooldown reduction. Through that, she can Shunpo around every team fight without a problem, dance from the dagger to dodge any forms of crowd control heading her way.

This champion is an annoying assassin in another game mode that is capable to delete a squishy and escape without being harmed. However, in URF this champion becomes more tilting and his abilities become more frustrating to other players because he is almost impossible to be targetable for the fact that he has a very short cooldown. He is the kind of champion players don’t like to see in the game.
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As this URF champion is equipped with QSS he is almost impossible to catch as well when he roams in the map while deleting any squishes. He is mostly the chosen champion to get banned, but in case he can get through the game the player must have a piece of basic knowledge on his skills to perfect the combo.

Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ 1: Who is the most powerful champion in URF?
Answer: Every champion has their unique skills and combos to showcase their abilities and they are all worth trying and seeing for yourself whether the champion is for you or not. However, trying Katarina and Zed first is highly advisable as these two champions hold a skill that overpowers every champion. It also puts you at ease while playing these champions although, you just need to study first how to perfectly use their skills and execute the combos.
FAQ 2: Is it worth playing LoL in 2025?
Answer: Despite that there are a lot of games being introduced in the market, playing LoL is very fun because of its endless diversity. Though it March take time for a player to master everything it is worth the patience of learning.
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This is all for the Best URF Champions 2025 and URF Tier List. If you are new to omggamer then subscribe to our newsletter for more gaming updates.