10 Best Fire Pokemon in 2025 [Gamer Choice]
If you don’t get the Fire-type starter Pokemon or are still in need of a Fire-type? To help you with that, we listed ten of the Best Fire Pokemon you should have.

Out of all the 18 types in Pokemon, the Fire type is one of the most popular. One of the reasons is, at the beginning of the game, you will choose from three starter Pokemon, and each is either a Grass, Fire, or Water.
Choosing a Fire type is advantageous because the Pokemon you encounter in the early game has a Grass or Bug type, which they can be very effective against.
Best Fire Pokemon
Fire-type Pokemon have been a fan favorite, especially the powerful and popular Charizard. They make great attackers because they have high Special Attack stats. These Pokemon have extraordinary designs, from a blazing monkey to a gigantic dragon.
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Fire types were also used competitively, especially Incineroar at the last Pokemon World Championship. So if you are looking for a winning streak or just want to add a strong Fire-type Pokemon to your arsenal, the Best Fire Pokemon listed in this article are excellent for you.
Best Fire Pokemon |
Darmanitan- Zen Mode |
Charizard Y |
Ho-Oh |
Charizard X |
Incineroar |
Typhlosion |
Blacephalon |
Mega Camerupt |
Chandelure |
Turtonator |
Darmanitan- Zen Mode
First on the list of Best Fire Pokemon is Darmanitan. It is a unique pure Fire-type Pokemon that can change forms during the battle due to its Zen Mode ability.
At the start of the battle, it is in standard mode, but when its HP gets below 50%, it switches to Zen mode. Zen Mode changes the typing of Darmanitan into a dual Fire/Psychic type. Additionally, its Attack and Special Attack base stats switch, its Defense and Special Defense increase, and its Base Stat Speed decreases.
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Darmanitan also has a Galarian regional variant that is an Ice-type Pokemon. If it switches to Zen Mode, it becomes a dual Fire/Ice type. With these typings, Galarian Darmanitan can access both Fire-type and Ice-type moves.
However, instead of swapping its Attack for Special Attack, and having higher defences but slower speed, the Galarian form simply increases its attack (160) and speed (135).
Also, it does not belong at the top due to its low defensive stats while in standard mode. In its Zen mode form, it is resistant to Fighting, Fire, Grass, Ice, and Psychic-type moves but weak against Water, Ground, Ghost, Dark, and Bug-type moves.

Charizard Y
The second on the list of Best Fire Pokemon is the most iconic Pokemon in the anime and games Charizard, just behind Pikachu. A dual Fire/Flying type Pokemon, and the final evolution of the fire starter Pokemon, Charmander.
During the 2013 Mega Evolutions, fans were introduced to Pokemon X and Y, and one of the Pokemon who received one was Charizard. In fact, it has two Mega Evolutions.
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Charizard Y retains its dual typing, which means it is still weak to Rock, Water, and Electric, with Rock being double effective. It also changes its appearance to a sleeker one.
It is known to have incredible flying prowess that can even rival a jet. Charizard Y is stronger than Charizard X as it has a higher Special Attack, which gives it an advantage when using moves like Fire Blast or Heat Wave.
In terms of Pokemon GO, Charizard Y has a higher CP. It is even considered the strongest Fire-type Pokemon to bring into Raids, Gym battles, Team GO Rocket battles, and PvP outside the GO Battle League.

When talking about the best Fire type Pokemon, Ho-Oh must always be included. It is the first legendary Pokemon shown in the anime. Ho-Oh is a dual Fire/Flying type weak against Rock, Water, and Electric.
Resembling both a phoenix and a peacock, it is part of the Tower duo in Generation 2 and the Trio master of the Legendary Beasts.
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The Regenerator ability revives Ho-Oh with half of its HP restored when it gets KO’d, making Ho-Oh a great tank. Its signature move is Sacred Fire, a Fire-type move that has a 50% chance of inflicting the status Burn. If you want to get a Ho-Oh, ensure you have a pure heart, as it only reveals itself to those who have it.

Charizard X
Next on the list of Best Fire Pokemon is Charizard X which has a complete makeover; instead of having its usual coloration, its skin turns black with a sky-blue underside and soles. It also has blue flames coming from the sides of its mouth and tail.
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The typing changes to dual Fire/Dragon, making it weak against Ground, Rock, and Dragon. The only advantage Charizard X has against Charizard Y is that it has a higher attack stat for Fire-type moves like Flare Blitz and a higher defence stat.

This is the most used Fire-type Pokemon at the 2022 Pokemon World Championships due to its high base Attack (115), combined with its bulk and Intimidation ability. Incineroar is a dual Fire/Dark-type and one of the Best Fire Pokemon.
It is the final evolution of the Generation 7 starter Pokemon, Litten. Intimidation lowers the attack of the opposing Pokemon upon entering, making Incineroar one of the best opening Pokemon in a battle.
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It also has access to the move Parting Shot, which decreases a Pokemon’s Attack and Special Attack, then switches to another Pokemon in the Party.
Combine the two, and it will cripple the offensive capabilities of the opposing Pokemon, making your team receive less damage. Incinerator is excellent in double battles but falls short in single battles.

Typhlosion is one of the strongest and one of the Best Fire Pokemon. It is one of the better fully evolved out of all the Fire-type starter Pokemon.
It is a pure Fire-type, weak against Water, Rock, and Ground-type moves. It is not great at taking hits with its mediocre defenses. Still, it does have great Special Attacks and Attacks to compensate for this.
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Typhlosion can make anything go up in flames, and when angered, it will rub its fur to cause explosions. With these characteristics, its special move is Eruption, a Fire-type move that increases its power as the HP of Typhlosion decreases.

If you are looking for the Best Fire Pokemon for a glass cannon that can sweep almost any Pokemon, then Blacephalon is the one you are looking for.
Blacephalon, also known as UB Blast, has an incredibly high Special Attack (157) and is capable of stopping top Pokemon like Magearna and Mega Scizor. Coupled with its great base speed stat that exceeds Charizard X and Terrakion, Blacephalon is a threat that can’t be stopped.
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It is an Ultra Beast, a being from another dimension with access to the Beast Boost ability. The Beast Boost ability can increase either its Special Attack or Speed by one stage after defeating a Pokemon, improving its sweeping capabilities.
Blacephalon is a dual Fire/Ghost type having access to great STABs like Shadow Ball and Flamethrower. However, even with the additional Ghost-type that makes it immune to Fighting and Normal types, it is still relatively weak against Water, Rock, Ghost, and Ground-type moves.

Mega Camerupt
Increasing its attack and defense stats makes Mega Camerupt one of the best fire Pokemon. It is a dual Fire/Ground type, making Water-type moves twice as effective.
It is best used as a special bulky attacker due to its Sheer Force ability, which raises the base power of all damaging moves with additional effects by 30%.
However, it only has a limited move pool making it not a significant threat in top-tier battles. It is resistant to Bug, Electric, Fire, Poison, and Steel-type moves but is weak against Water, Ground, and Rock-type moves.

Chandelure is unique-looking and one of the Best Fire Pokemon that resembles a chandelier. It is another Glass Cannon with dual Fire/Ghost typing, which means it has access to STAB Fire and Ghost-type moves, making it a great offensive Pokemon. It has a high Special attack (145), a mediocre defense, and low speed.
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However, with a Choice Scarf in hand or a Trick Room strategy, Chandelure is the first Pokemon to attack in a battle. It even rivals Incineroar but falls due to its frail defenses.
Chandelure is immune to Normal and Fighting-type moves, which have no effect on it due to its Ghost type. Additionally, it is immune to Ground-type moves when holding the Air Balloon item. However, it is weak against Water, Rock, Dark, and Ghost-type moves

Turtonator is one of the best Fire Pokemon that cannot evolve. It is a dual-type Fire/Dragon Pokemon, making it only weak against Ground, Rock, and Dragon.
The shell on its back has explosive materials, so when a Pokemon hits the shell, it creates a spark, resulting in an explosion. Even though a Pokemon gets stronger when it evolves, Turtonator is strong already, even without evolution, as shown in the Pokemon anime.

That is all for our 10 Best Fire Pokemon. Fire-type Pokemon have always been a staple in the series and are mainly known for their fiery and threatening offensive capabilities. For more such information you can visit our site omggamer.com where we post news and the latest updates on gaming, upcoming games, gaming builds, and much more.