We “OMGGamer” aim for 100% accuracy in our headlines and implement a thorough vetting process for every news article on OMGGamer. We distinguish between confirmed information and unverified hints, such as rumors, leaks, datamines, and insider reports, to ensure clarity for our readers.
Before crafting any article, we ensure the information is both new and accurate. We meticulously verify sources, delving down to the original source and referencing materials when applicable. Even if other outlets present an unverified piece of news as official confirmation, we insist on 100% confirmation before declaring it as such. We do not engage in clickbait. While our headlines March be bold, we refrain from making sweeping statements solely for dramatic effect—they must be accurate and thoroughly fact-checked. OMGGamer articles not only report the news but also provide industry-leading context to explain why the news is significant to our audience.
OMGGamer editors cover gaming events beloved by our readers, both new and returning. The OMGGamer team, composed of passionate consumers of various media with a shared love for interactive experiences, comes from diverse backgrounds in the game industry. This diverse team is united by their passion for entertainment and a commitment to delivering the best and most engaging content possible for our site visitors.
Checking for Official Comments
Whenever we cover a rumor, leak, or announcement from non-official sources (such as Reddit, social media, YouTube channels, unverified publications, etc.), we reach out to representatives and/or public relations of the relevant parties. Even if they are unable to comment or do not respond, we make the effort to reach out, ensuring everyone has an opportunity to contribute. Our writers and editors, seasoned in the industry, make certain that every new article contains the latest, most accurate information and all pertinent details.
When we serve as the original source, we adhere to basic journalism principles. We value open lines of communication with major developers, publishers, studios, and PR firms.
Considering the Big Picture
Standards for feature content mirror those of news articles, emphasizing the importance of research and objectivity. We stress the significance of presenting a clear argument and, when formulating a conclusion or theory, incorporating relevant counter-arguments. This approach enables us to address multiple possibilities and answer questions before they arise among our readers.
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