Detroit Become Human Release Date | PC & PS4 Edition
Detroit Become Human is an upcoming game that is developed by Quantic Dream and going to publish by Sony Entertainment. Detroit Become Human Release Date is now announced by the officials and David Cage the Director of this game confirmed that announcement. It’s a neo-noir thriller game that is created by two genius Heavy Rain and Beyond two souls.

In an interview with omggamer, Mr. Cage confirmed that the game is going to launch worldwide by 2018. That interview gave us one bad and one good news to us. The Game was first coming to the news through Sony’s Paris Games which was held in the year 2015.
Detroit Become Human Release Date
According to Mr. Cage game is all set to release and going to release in the year 2018. But there is no official announcement of Detroit Become Human Release Date till now. At the Playstation E3 conference which was held in the year, 2016 the company launched its first gameplay which feedback was really good and an official said. As we already mentioned the game is going to launch in the year 2018, so let’s talk about the price of this game.
DBH 2018 Game PS4 Price
Detroit Become Human Release Date is in the year 2018. But there is one good news and one bad news that we already mentioned, so first, start with bad news. The game is not going to be available for PC users.

Now the good news, As per the official and director game is going to be available for PS4 lovers. Yes, that’s the true game that is going to be available only for PS4 controllers but if the company will get good results with PS4 Edition then the company will launch its PC edition by the end of 2019.